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E ratings

PostPosted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 3:09 pm
by Carl_M
How much difference is there between a 1-E10 and a 1-E14 at second base? On the old board game we used to say one guy had a sore thumb on the 11 roll or a sore thumb on the 9 roll for example. Does that hold true for the online game, or is the E rating an estimate of how many error the man will make over the course of 162 games?

Re: E ratings

PostPosted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 11:48 am
by coyote303
I'll let you answer your own question:

Carl_M wrote:...the E rating an estimate of how many error the man will make over the course of 162 games?

The e rating is based on the player playing every game. So a player who made 7 errors in exactly half of the available innings would get an e rating of 14.