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PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 10:43 pm
by Sox040713
If I play Honus at ss he is a 1 E 24 then I would have AROD at 3b 1 E 12


AROD ss 2 E 8 and Honus (with a better bat) but 3b 3 E 38.

Back when I played the real game (though out the 80's) I played advanced except the fielding so I don't know how E part exactly works. But common sense says 3b 3 E 38 can't be good. BUT a 1 E 24 doesnt sound better then 2 E 8 and twice the balls go to short then 3rd.



PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 10:50 pm
I'm sure someone can break it down better than I can, but Honus at SS and ARod at 3b, I don't think it's even close doing it the other way


PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 11:17 pm
by Sox040713
That was my first instinct. But then after further review (and a full week to stare at my team) I began to wonder.


PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 1:04 pm
by rolandzeut
Here's some food for thought, I hope it doesn't make your decision tougher....I used that Arod card as my starting SS and he made 3 errors all season! ... ng/1408866

I guess I would lean toward lower errors @ SS, but that e38 is dreadful @ 3rd, tough choice.....


PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 7:52 pm
by Rosie2167
Hey Sox,

IMO going with the 1's is your best D option by far. A 2e8 is almost the same as a 1e24 when calculating runners that reach base (errors + x chances turned into singles) EXCEPT for double plays turned. The 1 at SS gives you another 20% or so chance to turn those.
Wagner SS 1e24, outs = 87% DP = 70%
Arod 3b 1e12, outs = 85% DP = 68%

Arod SS 2e8, outs = 85% DP = 52%
Wagner 3B 3e38, outs = 44% DP = 16%

The 3e38 isn't good but can be 'hidden' at 3B. As you mentioned Wagner's 1900 card is a slightly better bat but mostly against lefties. In this online world of Strat you'll typically see LHSP's at 33% at the highest end.

Depending on your cap the extra 1.34 mil using Wagners 1900 might come in handy and you can always play him in RF.