How many Lefties to Lefty & Righty Pitchers face?

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How many Lefties to Lefty & Righty Pitchers face?

PostSat Mar 18, 2017 12:10 am

Anyone have any rules of thumb to share? I was thinking...

Lefty pitchers face ~ 25% Lefty Batters
Righty pitchers face ~ 55% Lefty Batters

...but I looked at some data from a 2016 league I'm in and it seems like there are more right-handed batters than that? Any thoughts? ...I'm trying to figure out how often pitchers use each side of their card.


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Re: How many Lefties to Lefty & Righty Pitchers face?

PostSat Mar 18, 2017 12:29 am

Many factors affect your question, such as:

1. Salaries. Higher salary caps result in more platooning.
2. Player set. In some sets, righty pitchers will face more left-handed hitters. However, in my recently completed 60s league, my right-handed pitchers faced quite a few more right-handed hitters (e.g., Drysdale faced over 63 percent right-handed hitters).
3. Is the the starter a regular starter or a spot starter? In the same league, lefty Gary Peters who started every four days faced 22 percent left-handed batters. Marcelino Lopez, who I only used against left-leaning teams, faced 28 percent.
4. Obviously, rosters will vary even when using the same set, and this will have an influence.
5. A pitcher with an extreme bias (e.g., 6R can expect to face more lefties).
6. A ballpark with an extreme homerun bias may encourage opposing managers to tweak their lineups to take advantage.


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Re: How many Lefties to Lefty & Righty Pitchers face?

PostSat Mar 18, 2017 4:02 am

Hey Riggo, Luckyman writing, hope you're doing well.

My own default for 20XX is 24/76 and 53/47, but as coyote writes, sometimes the set orders a different ratio. In 2016, I believe that there were some very popular hitters--and some very good bargains----among right-handed hitters, so I suspect many owners went with right-handed stadiums in the hope of drafting them, so it all tilted a bit the set towards right-handed hitters. I didn't look at the 2016 set extensively, but I would be surprised if the same pattern happens.

I would add that, with the new ability to set different lineups against reverse rhp or reverse lhp, I regular see teams carrying a few 1M players that they can throw against more extreme pitchers. So a 3lh-6rh team can become a 4-5 team against a 7R rhp...


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Re: How many Lefties to Lefty & Righty Pitchers face?

PostSat Mar 18, 2017 10:17 am

Thanks Luckyman & Coyote.

Yeah, what I was looking for were default assumptions for % vs L and vs. R. My default assumptions are similar.

It will be interesting to see if the greater % of right-handed batters holds up. It does seem there are now more right-leaning parks, whereas, back in early 2000s it seemed like there were always more lefty-leaning parks.

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