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Defense - Using Range 5 players

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 12:47 pm
by DaHummer
Hi, I'm relatively new to Strat365 (only 3 seasons completed) and am joining a No-DH league. I'm considering using a 5e24 and a 5e4 at 1B and RF respectively. They have significant power. How much of a defensive drag will this create? Approx how many x chances will each position get and how many of those should these players generally convert?


Re: Defense - Using Range 5 players

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 1:28 pm
I won a ring with Ortiz at 1b (and it was a DH league!) but I sure wouldn't try it in the outfield.

Re: Defense - Using Range 5 players

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 1:50 pm
by DaHummer
Thanks. I've found on this forum the total x chances - but I don't know how many of them a 5e24 will get to and how many he will boot.

Re: Defense - Using Range 5 players

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 6:35 pm
by coyote303
This site will show you the relative chances for every rating at every position. ... atfldg.htm

Alternatively, simply figure you will roll at 1BX or LFX about every third game each (i.e., about twice in three games if you have a 5 in both positions)--slightly less than that if you remove them for defense late. A 5 fielder at 1B will fail to make the play most of the time. I agree with Steve F about not trying it with an outfielder because he will fail the vast majority of the time, frequently for extra bases.

An example in my last 60s league, I used Dick Stuart at first base (5/e22). He made 12 out of 43 plays in 147 games. (I removed him for defense late every game.)

Re: Defense - Using Range 5 players

PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 1:58 pm
by DaHummer
coyote303 wrote:This site will show you the relative chances for every rating at every position. ... atfldg.htm

Alternatively, simply figure you will roll at 1BX or LFX about every third game each (i.e., about twice in three games if you have a 5 in both positions)--slightly less than that if you remove them for defense late. A 5 fielder at 1B will fail to make the play most of the time. I agree with Steve F about not trying it with an outfielder because he will fail the vast majority of the time, frequently for extra bases.

An example in my last 60s league, I used Dick Stuart at first base (5/e22). He made 12 out of 43 plays in 147 games. (I removed him for defense late every game.)

Thank you for this post by the way - I found it very helpful!