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Lineup against a reverse lefty?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 5:23 pm
by Chris Franco lineup against a reverse lefty...two players...both $2M...both is a R3...the other is a L3....

Who do I start?

Re: Lineup against a reverse lefty?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 4:24 pm
by tmfw30
Hi Chris,

I'm not sure you're asking the right question here. I would ignore the R3 and the L3 - this is not relevant when comparing 2 different players.

It's by no means a perfect approach, but I would look at their bar graphs vs. L and pick whichever one looks better to me. If one of them bats R and the other L, I would slightly favor the one who bats L if they are otherwise similar.

As a general rule though I don't mess much with "reverse" lefty and righty lineups, preferring rather just to optimize my hitter's cards and hope for the best. -Matt