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S6 vs S7 vs S8 vs S9

PostPosted: Wed May 13, 2020 4:31 pm
by jgmadigan
How closely is this followed, ie say S7 vs S9? For example, I had JR Richards in my trial season and he was an S7 and he pitched a complete game. How do they determine when to take him out vs leave him in?

Does the higher number following the S, always result in a lot more innings pitched in the season?

Re: S6 vs S7 vs S8 vs S9

PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2020 2:21 pm
by MforTurtle13
So the S value for a starting pitcher is the inning that the pitcher can become "tired" where more outs on his card start to become hits. So theoretically, a higher S should mean they will pitch more innings but that may not always be the case. Y

When looking at the play by play after a game is played, the F number on the right hand side is how much energy your pitcher has (F9 being full, F0 being empty). So when he gets closer to F0, he is more tired and will give up more hits. Usually the F number is what determines if a pitcher stays in the game or not. HAL may even leave an S6 pitcher in for the full game even with "Max 6 Innings Pitched" box checked if he is not tired during that specific game.

Re: S6 vs S7 vs S8 vs S9

PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2020 2:53 pm
by andycummings65
Well, it'd be a pretty boring game if your S7 came out of the game after pitching 7 innings, regardless of whether he's getting bombed or throwing a 2-hitter. An S7 that gets beat around in inning 4 may be coming out, while an S7 that's in complete control, throwing a 5-hit shutout may throw 9. It's just an average to give you an idea what the guy will do.

Re: S6 vs S7 vs S8 vs S9

PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2020 1:58 pm
by coyote303
The higher the pitcher's S rating, the higher his pitch count will be. Here are the rules for it:

So from two pitchers of equal skill, you can expect to get more innings pitched from the one with a higher S rating.

Also, a pitcher will fatigue faster if he meets the following conditions in the super-advanced rules: ... f_Weakness

MforTurtle13 wrote:...HAL may even leave an S6 pitcher in for the full game even with "Max 6 Innings Pitched" box checked if he is not tired during that specific game.

I have never seen this. If you check max 6 or 7 inning pitched, I have seen the game always remove the starter before exceeding 6 or 7 innings.

Re: S6 vs S7 vs S8 vs S9

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2020 9:49 am
by MforTurtle13
Really? It seems to me like there are plenty of times that I have "Max Innings" checked off and HAL leaves them in for however long he wants. Here's a game that played last night. Have "6 innings max" checked off for Giolito and he goes 8...

Re: S6 vs S7 vs S8 vs S9

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2020 12:02 pm
by jjii66
MforTurtle13 wrote:Really? It seems to me like there are plenty of times that I have "Max Innings" checked off and HAL leaves them in for however long he wants. Here's a game that played last night. Have "6 innings max" checked off for Giolito and he goes 8...

Are you sure you don't have him set on "don't rel. B4"? That will nullify the other settings and force him to stay in the game.

Re: S6 vs S7 vs S8 vs S9

PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2020 10:18 am
by MforTurtle13
If anything, I had him at "Dont Relieve Before 1 inning". It happens to me all the time that HAL leaves them in longer than the max innings pitch i set

Re: S6 vs S7 vs S8 vs S9

PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2020 1:00 pm
by jjii66
MforTurtle13 wrote:If anything, I had him at "Dont Relieve Before 1 inning". It happens to me all the time that HAL leaves them in longer than the max innings pitch i set

"Dont Relieve Before 1 inning"...I have never heard of such a setting, which makes me think you might be using the pitcher prefs incorrectly. When you look at Giolito on the pitcher prefs screen, is there an F followed by a number from 0 to 8? If so, you're telling HAL to keep him in the game until he gets tired. You need to make sure that little rectangle is empty if you want HAL to pull Giolito after 6 innings.