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Budget Distribution in DH vs No-DH Leagues

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 1:56 pm
by jcrowley
Greetings! I'm new to SOM and wanted to first say thanks because these forums have been very helpful in starting to learn some of the basics of how to effectively construct a team. Thanks especially to Palmtana for making a lot of the older content/posts accessible for us new folks.

My question: I've seen in various threads suggestions to spend roughly $45-50m of an $80m budget on hitters. I don't recall any of these discussions differentiating between DH vs No-DH leagues, though. Does this guideline extend to both league types?

I understand successful teams can have a lot of different configurations... I was just curious what peoples' thoughts are. If the player set matters, it sounds like some friends and I are going to be starting a 1999 6-team season. Thanks!

Re: Budget Distribution in DH vs No-DH Leagues

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 11:28 pm
by milleram
I think the formula did apply to both DH and noDH generally in 20XX. Though it sounds logical you would spend a bit more for pitching in noDh, I found it had no correlation really.

The park you are in, and the division/league distribution of parks really drives the way you spend more in the long run-- Most always you need to reevaluate after initial auto draft, adjusting your team in waivers and free-agency before the season begins. Sometimes you just know you need more hitting or pitching and have to adjust.

This season, with the game rules changes for pitching--I feel it swings toward more funds for pitching or defense on the average team. But you pay for defense with the hitting card--so I am talking about "the average team".

Re: Budget Distribution in DH vs No-DH Leagues

PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 11:31 pm
by Palmtana
Welcome to the game!

I can't recall seeing a discussion on the point you brought up so I would say you can ignore that factor in the game.
One less thing for you to be concerned with in the Strat puzzle.