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PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 9:40 am
by sebtay41
I have Jimmy Shekard and his card looks like this:

L | JIMMY SHECKARD (1906) stealing-(A) *4-6,12/- (18-13)

I thought that meant that he can get a lead with 4-6 or 12. But that he can't get picked-off because there is no number after the /. He has gotten picked off more than once. How can that be. Am I reading the card wrong. Or does 365 add some extra pick-off rules? It has been a while since I've played the board game so maybe I'm just mis-remembering the rule.

Re: Stealing/Pick-off

PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 1:31 pm
by coyote303
Before two dice are "rolled" to see if a runner gets a good lead (4-6,12 in your example), a 20-sided dice is rolled. If a 1 is rolled, there is a chance the runner will be picked off using the Balk/Pickoff rule. (If a 2 is rolled there is a chance of a balk.)

Balk/Pickoff Rule

If a dice roll of 1 or 2 is rolled on the 20-sided die, during a steal attempt the pitcher has attempted a pickoff throw and the base runner dives back to the base.

A roll of 1 on the 20-sided die indicates that the baserunner attempting the lead may be picked-off. Refer to the baserunner's second steal rating number in parenthesis and roll the 20-sided die again. If the number rolled is less than or equal to the second steal rating the baserunner dives back safely (the steal attempt is canceled and the runner may not attempt to get the good lead again while still on this base). If the number is greater than the second steal rating then this baserunner is picked off...

If you want to read more about stealing, here is a link to SOM's Super-Advanced rules: ... mrules.htm

Note: If a runner does have number(s) after the slash (e.g., 4-6/10), that is an automatic out stealing chance--not a pickoff. It will show up as runner caught stealing, and you won't know if it's because you rolled a 10 (using my example) or because the runner failed the 1-20 split card draw.

Re: Stealing/Pick-off

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 7:57 pm
by sebtay41
Thanks for the information coyote303.