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Fixed Patterns Run this Game

PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 6:31 pm
by danno
Have you ever played organized baseball? This is a typical signal pattern used by many teams.

1. Hit
2. Bunt
3. Steal
4. Nothing
5. Take

The signal sequence starts after the coach hits / touches the indicator. I.E., the indicator is the bill of the ball cap. The coach can flail away like a mad man but until he touches the bill of his ball cap, the signal sequence does not start. I.E., he touches the bill of the ball cap, touches his arm, touches his face, and back to the arm. That was the third signal in the sequence which tells the base runner to "Steal." During a game, managers sometimes change the indicator. I.E., they use the bill of the ball cap as the indicator for 3 innings, then switch to the belt or something else to start the signal sequence.

Pitchers often use a pattern of pitches to get batters out. The players who pay attention to these patterns are the better hitters. In fact, in professional baseball, if you don't pay attention to these patterns, you are most probably not going to survive. I.E., when a pitcher gets in trouble, he will use his "Go To" pitch which is usually the slider.

My point is that there are those of you out there who absolutely deny that patterns exist in life, in computers or in the computer based / controlled SOM 365. HAL is run by a computer program that uses mathematical patterns. These patterns can be easily adjusted and or manipulated. If you know what you are looking for, you can spot these patterns in the game. Yet, again, we have a group of people here who absolutely deny that this is true.

In almost every intelligence test, one has to identify either a number or word pattern. If you are unable to identify these patterns, your intelligence score will be severely depressed. Some of you fit THAT pattern of being unable to identify those things. Yet, you come on these boards and criticize those who know what they are talking about. In reality, you just prove what a blithering moron that you truly are.

I believe that SOM places a W/L pattern on your user name. This pattern may be set by random or with intent. For example (You should play several leagues / teams to identify your set pattern):

I am currently playing 7 leagues. Yesterday, 6 of 7 of my teams lost 2 and won 1. The chances of this happening are slim. Because, I keep records, I found a few days earlier, all of my teams L2 and W1. A few days before that they L2 and W1.

THAT is a pattern that PROVES beyond a doubt that SOM / HAL has placed a bias on your User Name. I.E., my User Name is "Danno."

Just like taking any intelligence test, pattern identification becomes progressively more difficult to spot but that does not mean that patterns don't exist. When it comes to SOM 365, I would not worry about this. The patterns are easily identifiable and in most cases blatant. They are as blatant as current day voter fraud.

It is my honest opinion, that absolutely no strategy is required to play SOM365. Wins / Losses are pre-set. The draft process, pitching rotation, batting order, etc., are for the most part meaningless. The game is supposed to be about managing and yet, once the season starts, if you change your team, you are most probably going to lose. Your team is set to score "x" amount of runs (+/- a margin of error) and there is little to nothing that you can do to improve team performance. Once the W/L pattern is established, you are done for. You can trade for the best players in the game and it won't do you any good because your team performance is pre-set.

Sour grapes? Yes. I understand computer programming. I am a engineer and deal with these things all of the time. I have played SOM since 1966. Yet, after 100+ leagues, I have one of the worst W/L records in the game. I have used every damn strategy there is. I have spoken to many long time players for their strategy. I read these strategy boards and yet, no matter what I do, my teams perpetually lose. Why? Because, I have bucked heads with SOM and they will NEVER let me win. At the same time, you have the most stupid people playing here who field the most improbable teams and they are perennial winners. They don't win once or twice, they win almost every league that they are in. Mathematically, that is impossible. You can't constantly field rotten teams only for them to win almost every league they play in. Yet, these same players do it league after league.

I.E., I have played in many leagues. I am often playing in the same league as these golden few. I can give you several examples of where my team was in first place by ten or more games with just a few games left in the season only for them to go on extended losing streak with the GOLDEN FEW just so happening to go on extended winning streaks. I.E., I had one team lose 24 of the last 27 games including a 12 game losing streak. The other perennial winner here just so happened to win the same number of games that I lost. Come on guys, that's IMPOSSIBLE! Yet, this BULLSHIT happens on a regular basis here.

I may not be able to field a winning team but, I sure and hell can steal the signals. Unlike the 2019 Astro's, it does me no good. How about you?


Re: Fixed Patterns Run this Game

PostPosted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 3:54 am
d one team lose 24 of the last 27 games including a 12 game losing streak. The other perennial winner here just so happened to win the same number of games that I lost. Come on guys, that's IMPOSSIBLE! Yet, this BULLSHIT happens on a regular basis I cant disagree...I have wondered some of the same things myself...

Re: Fixed Patterns Run this Game

PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 10:07 pm
by honestiago
The only pattern I see is that you always seem to find exactly what you’re looking for.

You’re obviously unhappy with the product, evidently because it doesn’t reward your inherent genius. So, here’s a suggestion: QUIT PLAYING.

Re: Fixed Patterns Run this Game

PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 6:23 pm
by Stoney18
honestiago wrote:The only pattern I see is that you always seem to find what exactly you’re looking for.

You’re obviously unhappy with the product, evidently because it doesn’t reward your inherent genius. So, here’s a suggestion: QUIT PLAYING.

The voice of reason with great advice.

Re: Fixed Patterns Run this Game

PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 10:51 am
by freeman
This game drives everyone batty at some point. But your conspiracy theories dont make any sense. Why would Strat do what youre suggesting theyre doing?.A few vague anecdotal examples mean nothing. Youre a computer programmer and yet you provide nothing that indicates any programming expertise, just some patterns you observe. Moreover, ive been in leagues with you and while you have been playing Strat a long time, you dont seem to understand the on-line game and how to manipulate it to your advantage. No, just because you have good pitching doesnt mean you should beat other teams. This is an optimization game and if you do nothing to optimize the value of your players you will lose. You dont and so you lose. That's the only pattern that is going on here. Then you search for an explanation. How could you lose youre so good at this game? Youre not good at the on-line game. That's all.

Re: Fixed Patterns Run this Game

PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 3:31 pm
by toshiro
Start another account. See if the Strato HAL "AI" can figure out who you are and cause you to lose. But maybe it won't and it will toss you in the winner's bucket. It knows who you are now, so there's no point in continuing under that login.

Re: Fixed Patterns Run this Game

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 6:15 pm
by Tsballgame09
although i dont feel that you presented much in the way of programming, i can say this, i have 4 teams who are all 8-13 in the last 21 games. Very interesting.

Re: Fixed Patterns Run this Game

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 9:11 pm
by Tsballgame09
however, to your point about managers who have spent alot of money and get preferential treatment...that can be disproven very easily.

Go to managers records and look at all time leaders, many, many of them are under .500

Re: Fixed Patterns Run this Game

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 9:04 am
by honestiago
He could also add more foil to his hat.

Re: Fixed Patterns Run this Game

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 12:27 pm
by mburatti76
Post some links to some of your recent teams. I'm sure we can pin point more realistically the flaws with your teams and why they struggled opposed to the theories you have put forward here.