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Why Would a Team Not Spend the Entire Cap on Draft?
Sun Jan 12, 2025 6:38 pm
by JohnW77706
That's the question. First time player. I notice opponents (in demo/free league) are only spending about $70M when I spent every penny.
Is there a benefit to holding money back?
Re: Why Would a Team Not Spend the Entire Cap on Draft?
Sun Jan 12, 2025 7:17 pm
by Toady
Welcome to 365! In ATG Auto-leagues, it is very rare for a manager to play a team well below the Salary Cap. Such a team would be at a large disadvantage. Of course, the money needs to be spent wisely as finding the best valued players is the key to winning. Perhaps you are referring to the Auto Draft where a team might only spend $70 million originally. That can be a strategy to maximize the number of players you try for. As an example, one might put down Trout $8.90 when they really want the Trout $10.81 card. But in the waivers period they would make moves and bring their roster up to the Cap, as well as swapping the drafted Trout for the higher priced one (you control Trout so you can automatically trade between them during waivers). I hope this helps and good luck!
Re: Why Would a Team Not Spend the Entire Cap on Draft?
Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:32 pm
by Burley Norseman
In some cases for managers there is a wise need to hold on to some cash as when you are in a random league and have one of 5 years for your player you never know what year you have till injury or tendencies show up. If you hold 10 Million after the initial game starts you have that total to work with, if you try to drop a player worth 10 million the actual value you will have in most cases is 10% less after the first game so then you have 9.9 million and the value drops potentially two more times. So slight benefit to holding cash but rarely have I seen where in a 80 million salary cap you would save more than 6 million for later purchases. Hope that helps, best to you and hope to see you in a league sometime.