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Pitcher Injury Rating Question

PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2025 7:37 pm
by jgmadigan
In individual seasons eg 2021, 2022, 2023 etc, pitcher injury ratings on the single season salaries_public spreadsheet are rated between 0 to 6.

The injury rule on the Strat-O wiki states: “In a game where the DH is being used, if the pitcher in question is on the mound, and the opposing team's DH is at bat, if the dice roll is 6-12, the pitcher rolls on the Injury Chart above to determine his injury.”

However, this does not explain how the injury ratings between 0-6 work. Presumably an injury role for a pitcher with a 6 injury rating would come up a lot more often than an injury role on a pitcher with a 1 rating. How does this work and what rolls would this be?


Re: Pitcher Injury Rating Question

PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2025 9:03 pm
by jjii66
Those injury ratings are only for leagues using Super Advanced Injuries, which very few leagues (apart from the Daily game) actually use. You can generally disregard them, but here is how they work if you'd still like to know...