Wed Aug 12, 2020 12:21 am
I want to again thank JuicedJC for another absolutely great year as commissioner. This was a fun, extremely well-run tournament. Congrats also to pushpin for winning his second Tournament. By the way, there is a common element to his two Tournament wins: 2015 Tournament using the 80s set and this year's Tournament finals using the 70s set. That common element is Ron Guidry, specifically unanimous-Cy-Young-1978 Ron Guidry when, in real life he went 25-3 with a 1.74 ERA. In the 2015 tournament finals league Guidry led the league with a regular season record of 28-10 followed up by going 3-0 in the post season. In this year's tournament, '78 Guidry posted only a 22-16 record and 2-1 in the postseason. But pushpin's team overcame Guidry's under-performance because, in addition to '78 Guidry, Pushpin's team featured '72 Carlton and '72 Gaylord Perry; in those years, in real life, all three of those great pitchers had an ERA below 2.00 and a WHIP below 1.00. No wonder pushpin won, that's almost unfair.