Sat May 25, 2024 2:11 am
With mds6101, surprisingly, losing in the first round, I am still alive. Thus I believe it is down to myself or Moodywoody for a remaining spot. One of der geist or brifas will pass me. After that, if Cirrhotoc has clinched, then does that also mean that stratorat has clinched?
If Moodywoody wins and der geist wins, they are both in replacing myself and mds 6101 who I believe is essentially eliminated, and stratorat is in.
If Moodywoody wins and brifas wins, then they are both in along with stratorat.
If Moodywoody loses and der geist wins, then I and der geist are in, and stratorat.
If Moodywoody loses and brifas wins, then stratorat, brifas, and myself re in.
Is that correct or am I including 25 teams?
Okay, I see above that stratorat is in. Thus the two remaining spots are Moodywoody or myself, and the winner of der geist/brifas. Yes?
I'll check back for confirmation of this, but then ain't looking until next Friday.