90's League 2 members:110.
Jayson.lastarza@gmail.com123. mjsm01
(closer)118. andysiny
126. 1st Command Commando
57. pacoboy
134. Sykes25
35. visick
(closer)30. brian straub
100. taxchiefs
3. Spider 67
44. WJS6768
69. bkr1974
League website:
https://365.strat-o-matic.com/league/443496League password will be sent via Private Message (click on “new messages” in the top menu of this page to look for message)
All regular league members, please join anytime between now and end of day Friday March 13th.
Closers (
mjsm01 and
visick), please make sure you do NOT join before Saturday March 14th.