Mon Feb 12, 2018 8:32 am
I away today but if Hallerose put his team in today I will have mine in first thing tomorrow.
1. Shakedown Street philatusa
2. The OC Beach Bums davehaller
3. Cabot Cove Downeasters sakdl4
4. waterloo whiskers3 waynick
5. Mulberries Migraines Mulberries Migraines
6. Small Ball Wonders mastermosser56
7. Skid Row Bukowskis merkle08
8. Shoals Sound jomboy78
9. Stable Geniuses Apoptosis
So we are just waiting on Hallerose, who said he would get in when he can fit in, and then Radagast (myself) and Harold Homer's are the closers... So we are close... I am ready, hopefully Harold is too, and when Hallerose can we will get this closed... THANKS EVERYBODY![/quote]