Which 60's league is the toughest?

the official tournament of the Mystery Card player sets

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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostTue Jan 06, 2015 6:25 pm

As I said earlier, you can call managers "elite;" that doesn't make them so.

There are obviously a lot of good managers, but there isn't a strata of elite managers who can't be beaten in any league. None have winning percentages impressive enough to mark them as unbeatable (or even rarely beatable). So, none are particularly elite. As I said before, some managers like yourself are invested in there being such an elite strata, but the numbers don't back that up.

Also, it's not up to the organizers to possibly intimidate newbies by letting them know they're in a league with errantly marked "elite players." That is inappropriate, as it is to use a tournament for self-(and group)-aggrandizement. As I said above, if certain players want to lionize each other, the place for that Is in the regular leagues.


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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostTue Jan 06, 2015 6:42 pm

As a newcomer to mystery leagues I'm not at all concerned about whether there are owners in my league who have experienced unusual levels of success. Maybe that's because, as a newcomer, any league would seem equally tough.

If experienced hands want to speculate about what league is toughest, though, I say go for it. The more people post on here the more likely I'll learn something. (I hope.)


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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostTue Jan 06, 2015 6:45 pm

That's great you're cool with it. However, you don't and can't speak for all newbies. Also, as I said earlier, this is also definitely not the site for players to be helping or teaching other players. Helping another player in a tournament is both inappropriate and unethical, as one could benefit from giving such help.


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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostTue Jan 06, 2015 7:09 pm

I take it the helpful advice goes on the general mystery card forum. Please, folks, post there. For example, there's tons of advice on how to tell what year a card represents but not so much on how to draft--e.g., whether people advise going for players with as more consistency among years or players with a couple good years and a couple bad.

I'll post the question over there to avoid any ethical violations here.

Rigged Splits

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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostTue Jan 06, 2015 7:15 pm

JoeBob_33 wrote:I take it the helpful advice goes on the general mystery card forum. Please, folks, post there. For example, there's tons of advice on how to tell what year a card represents but not so much on how to draft--e.g., whether people advise going for players with as more consistency among years or players with a couple good years and a couple bad.

I'll post the question over there to avoid any ethical violations here.

I was just going to suggest that that thread be removed as well as any other threads where managers ask for advice. You never know, they might be trying to gain an edge in the tournament. And the elite might try to throw them off with bad advice so the questioners can never join them at the top. :P

Naming the toughest divisions is just part of the fun but I guess the guys that organized this and have gone to all the BS that goes with it aren't allowed to have any fun.


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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostTue Jan 06, 2015 7:18 pm

Actually, good advice to a division rival of one of one's main competitors would be the best way for a player to benefit by giving advice.

As to the organizers, I would assume, with their being devoted players, the tourney play and competition would be ample fun enough...;)


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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostTue Jan 06, 2015 7:38 pm

Can you give me an example of good advice? So I'll have a better idea of whether someone's unethically giving it out, so I can report them to the authorities...


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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostTue Jan 06, 2015 7:41 pm

Here's some good advice: chill out. There's no need for angry sarcasm on a friendly thread.

Enjoy the tournament. I 'm sure you'll learn a lot.

Radagast Brown

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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostTue Jan 06, 2015 9:17 pm

I think League number two looks pretty tough as well! I really enjoyed reading the stats on the leagues and their members. ... As I mentioned before I am surprised only 56 of last year's players have returned this year. But the good news is we have so many new players in this year's tournament, including me. Let's hear some more predictions or stats while we wait to fill our leagues. Good luck fellas! :geek:

By the way, for advice for newbies look for the thread, "Help For Newbies". I would suggest cutting players willy nilly without knowing for sure they are on a bad year is not a good idea. Patience pays!


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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostTue Jan 06, 2015 9:57 pm

League 2 has a newb like me :shock:

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