Thu Aug 05, 2021 1:34 pm
Result of voting:
1) 60s is our decade
2) 80 mil is our salaray cap
3) No DH wins because it is 60s
4) Unique stadiums wins, so we'll incorporate this as part of the draft
5) Repeat stadiums allowed
6) Random divisions
7) Full Live draft wins
OK, so there are two things we need to determine. One is how to break the tie for 8th, because ranking will determine draft position. I've asked support what they meant by "Pick 3 winner" - if I don't hear back soon we'll come up with some other way to determine the "coin flip". Second thing to determine is the length of time for the draft picks. In the live draft feature on the main 365 site, here are the choices for draft pick length:
1. 30 secs
2. 45 secs
3. 60 secs
4. 90 secs
5. 120 secs
6. 150 secs
7. 1 hour
8. 2 hours
9. 3 hours
10. no clock
Please everybody reply with your top 3 choices of the 10 options above. Your top choice will get 3 points, 2nd choice 2 points, 3rd choice 1 point. If the winner is 150 seconds or less, we will agree on a day / time to do the draft when (hopefully) everyone is available (although you can set up lists/queues if you are not available).
Note: If a Draft is set for 1-hour or longer pick times, there are additional options available enabling you to customize when the clock is turned off, like overnight for example, since there is the expectation that the Draft would take place over multiple days. The "no clock" option basically means there is no time limit so it becomes like a manual Discussion Forum draft, but that would be very time consuming for a 25 round draft.