Which 60's league is the toughest?

the official tournament of the Mystery Card player sets

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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostWed Jan 07, 2015 11:21 pm

am in a 90s semi. But its not looking good for that team


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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostThu Jan 08, 2015 6:38 am

Vets offering advice and tips to newbies is what keeps online SOM strong. I always give what I believe is honest advice to any newbie asking specific questions even if they are in my league. I don't refuse to offer advice to people in this tournament as one person suggested earlier in this thread.

Also people always pull for the underdog so talking up who are the successful vets makes it more fun for all. You always get satisfaction beating so called elite or experienced players.

In all the talk of which leagues might be the toughest there has been no mention of league 9 which I am in. I guess I'll easily take the championship? :D I'm not counting any chickens before they are hatched. I used an extreme AD card so if I don't get most of my top choices I could be royally screwed. There is very little offense in the 60s so after the AD there is usually not much in the way of good hitting that you can count on in the free agent market. For this league I gambled on some of the biggest hitters and went with cheap pitching. If I miss on most of my hitters I'll have no hitting and no pitching. May have been a poor experiment to try in the tournament.


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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostThu Jan 08, 2015 2:11 pm

LMBombers wrote:Vets offering advice and tips to newbies is what keeps online SOM strong. I always give what I believe is honest advice to any newbie asking specific questions even if they are in my league. I don't refuse to offer advice to people in this tournament as one person suggested earlier in this thread.

Vets giving general advice to newbies is great, vets giving specific advice to newbies about their teams in a tournament is not. If a vet gave help to a newbie that could help him beat that vet's division rival or take points from a tourney rival, that vet would be cheating. It's disappointing to know Bombers would have no problem engaging in such dubious behavior.


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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostThu Jan 08, 2015 2:53 pm

For new players, if they ask me, I will give advice to help their team or to understand the game. I don't care if it will help them beat me or anyone else. It can be a somewhat difficult game to understand in the beginning and I think that players that look for help will enjoy the game more if their questions get answered. The point of this game is to have fun.

Since I'm a co-commissioner I haven't posted the advice thread, but I hope that someone points out the basics to new players. Especially, players new to the Mystery format need to know that each player has the same year all season and that injuries will usually reveal the year.


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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostThu Jan 08, 2015 2:57 pm

Well said franky. That is the sportsmanlike thing to do.


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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostThu Jan 08, 2015 3:01 pm

franky35 wrote:For new players, if they ask me, I will give advice to help their team or to understand the game. I don't care if it will help them beat me or anyone else.

It is not the sportsmanlike thing to do. And I'm quite surprised a co-commissioner would even consider doing it. This is a tournament for prizes worth cash money; it isn't just a theme league. Fairness must be rigorously maintained. Anyone who helps another player with their specific team in a specific league is cheating, since they can directly benefit from that help.

Commissioners should discourage such behavior, not participate in it. I'm not sure it's smart to keep paying for a tournament where commissioners are actively helping other players with their teams.


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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostThu Jan 08, 2015 3:47 pm

Points taken, competition is good, but personally, I think it's great when we can look past our own wants to help others...


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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostThu Jan 08, 2015 4:03 pm

JOEZATKO wrote:Points taken, competition is good, but personally, I think it's great when we can look past our own wants to help others...

Giving specific help to individual players for their specific teams isn't looking past your own wants; it's serving your own wants. If helping those players helps them beat a league rival or a possible tourney rival, then you benefit as much as the player you help. If the commissioner and other players actually do this, I don't think I will buy three more teams.


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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostThu Jan 08, 2015 4:11 pm

I very rarely get asked for specific help, and even when asked, about 99% of the time people don't follow my advice. But if I'm in a league with I. strether I won't give advice. In other leagues I will because I think that the large majority of owners think that helping less experienced players is good sportsmanship.


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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostThu Jan 08, 2015 4:16 pm

franky35 wrote:I very rarely get asked for specific help, and even when asked, about 99% of the time people don't follow my advice. But if I'm in a league with I. strether I won't give advice. In other leagues I will because I think that the large majority of owners think that helping less experienced players is good sportsmanship.

Not good enough, Franky. It's not good sportsmanship. This is a tournament for prizes worth cash, which players are paying $60+ to play, not a normal league. In such a paid tournament for prizes, a commissioner's responsibility is to make sure all players play on their own and no players collude to help each other out and/or to help beat other players. The fact you are not only shirking this responsibility, but actually participating in the activity you should curtail, is wrong.

Sportsmanship through assistance is great in regular leagues. But your brand of assistance is bad sportsmanship in a paid tournament. As I said before, if you not only plan to not discourage such assistance, but actually participate in it, I will seriously reconsider continuing.

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