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60s Tournament League 6

Thu Jan 01, 2015 6:09 pm
by Ducky
9. Brent65
24. Ballbuster
26. Mwpkd3
31. YountFan
37. GordieHowe
39. WJS6768
41. Dubluc
48. djkalle
64. Rosie2167
126. Great Unwashed
128. TallEd
129. tgmfp
Chuck (djkalle) to coordinate league creation and closing. If you are ready to load your team before Chuck, make sure to post the password on this thread so all other managers can join. If you know you cannot load your team over the next few days, but plan to do so by mid next week, please let everyone know. If you no longer are interested in participating, please let us know immediately.
Re: 60s Tournament League 6

Thu Jan 01, 2015 11:35 pm
by Brent65
Password= six (lower case)
Chuck (djkalle) to close
Re: 60s Tournament League 6

Fri Jan 02, 2015 12:08 pm
by Brent65
9. Brent65-IN
26. Mwpkd3-IN
31. YountFan
37. GordieHowe
39. WJS6768
41. Dubluc
48. djkalle-Closer
64. Rosie2167-IN
126. Great Unwashed
128. TallEd-IN
129. tgmfp
Re: 60s Tournament League 6

Fri Jan 02, 2015 3:19 pm
by Ballbuster
A have a request.. I will be traveling without any internet access from Sunday til Tuesday, and want to request that you hold off the closing of the league during that time. It looks like it may not be a problem anyway. The league may not even be filled by then.
Thanks, look forward to playing against you,
Ken, alias Bubba Ballbuster
Re: 60s Tournament League 6

Fri Jan 02, 2015 6:07 pm
by djkalle
Thanks for getting this started Brent. And Ken, no problem waiting on the close. Communication is the key. Besides, all closers need to wait to make sure all the leagues are ready to go this week.
Re: 60s Tournament League 6

Fri Jan 02, 2015 7:08 pm
by Brent65
9. Brent65-IN
26. Mwpkd3-IN
31. YountFan
37. GordieHowe
39. WJS6768
41. Dubluc-IN
48. djkalle-Closer
64. Rosie2167-IN
126. Great Unwashed
128. TallEd-IN
129. tgmfp-IN
Re: 60s Tournament League 6

Fri Jan 02, 2015 11:43 pm
by YountFan
9. Brent65-IN
26. Mwpkd3-IN
31. YountFan IN
37. GordieHowe
39. WJS6768
41. Dubluc-IN
48. djkalle-Closer
64. Rosie2167-IN
126. Great Unwashed
128. TallEd-IN
129. tgmfp-IN
Re: 60s Tournament League 6

Sat Jan 03, 2015 4:43 pm
by djkalle
Missing -
Great Unwashed
Anyone heard from them or have them in a league? Great Unwashed has played before and I'm thinking WJS played last year so they should know how things work. If you are getting your team ready, please post a short note telling us that. Thanks.
Re: 60s Tournament League 6

Sat Jan 03, 2015 11:59 pm
by WJS6768
9. Brent65-IN
26. Mwpkd3-IN
31. YountFan IN
37. GordieHowe
39. WJS6768 - IN
41. Dubluc-IN
48. djkalle-Closer
64. Rosie2167-IN
126. Great Unwashed
128. TallEd-IN
129. tgmfp-IN
Re: 60s Tournament League 6

Sun Jan 04, 2015 4:50 pm
by djkalle
9. Brent65-IN
26. Mwpkd3-IN
31. YountFan IN
37. GordieHowe
39. WJS6768 - IN
41. Dubluc-IN
48. djkalle-Closer
64. Rosie2167-IN
126. Great Unwashed -IN
128. TallEd-IN
129. tgmfp-IN