Thank you and good luck

the official tournament of the Mystery Card player sets

Moderators: Juiced JC, jaywalker72, Palmtana

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Juiced JC

  • Posts: 1740
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Thank you and good luck

PostWed May 29, 2019 11:51 pm

Now that the tournament has wrapped up for all but the final 12, I'd like to take the opportunity to say thank you to all participants for your interest and support in this tournament. I love this tournament, largely because you're all very good players and very engaged and invested in it. I hope you all come back next year.

I had assumed that I was going to be very involved right to the end as commissioner. In fact, I thought my involvement was going to be even more required in the finals planning and drafting since I'd be impartial as a non-participant. But I seem to have lost my authority and the final 12 has moved on without wanting my impartial leadership. So I guess I'm stepping aside and signing off for the season. Final 12, send me a PM if you do need anything, because I do have a direct line to SOM support if needed. If anyone is stepping up to be commissioner next year, please know I'm willing to give you any support you may need.

Good luck to the final 12 - I hope this is your year hallerose!

Juiced JC


  • Posts: 730
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Re: Thank you and good luck

PostThu May 30, 2019 12:06 pm

Thanks for a great job. Hope you will do it next year as well. RJ

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