Sat Jan 25, 2020 8:11 pm
cwitkowski970 is joining League 4.
We need 1 more teams to be all loaded - one for League 12. Again, my preference is to have all 144 players in the 60's to be full tournament participants rather than having fillers.
The following teams have lost their spot in the tournament because they didn't load their team or check in during the past week:
Pesky Fan, Badriders, LAURISMURNIEKS, taylre20, CKMagic, McDaddy01
If any of these teams return looking to participate, I'll give them the spot if there is still one. Also, if any other late entries come looking to get added to the waiting list, they can take the spot too. Basically it's first come, first served - as long as it is players willing to make the full tournament commitment. If this doesn't produce 1 teams, we'll fill from the fillers list.
If you are in one of the leagues that has still not drafted, please be patient, it will happen in the next day or two.
I hope most of you agree with this approach.
Juiced JC