2020 Mystery Tournament - 70's League #12

70's League 12 members:
133. Alexander Supertramp (Courtneylant)
89. jsanders3rd
1. Juiced JC (closer)
104. YettieJohnston
52. der geist (geistfeld)
33. dcmt
144. Ragnarokpc
119. pushpin76 (closer)
27. FALCON29
25. a1lionfan
43. GordieHowe
24. CirrhoticLiver
League website: https://365.strat-o-matic.com/league/442978
League password will be sent via Private Message (click on “new messages” in the top menu of this page to look for message)
All regular league members, please join anytime between now and end of day Friday February 7th.
Closers (Juiced JC and pushpin76), please make sure you do NOT join before Saturday February 8th.
133. Alexander Supertramp (Courtneylant)
89. jsanders3rd
1. Juiced JC (closer)
104. YettieJohnston
52. der geist (geistfeld)
33. dcmt
144. Ragnarokpc
119. pushpin76 (closer)
27. FALCON29
25. a1lionfan
43. GordieHowe
24. CirrhoticLiver
League website: https://365.strat-o-matic.com/league/442978
League password will be sent via Private Message (click on “new messages” in the top menu of this page to look for message)
All regular league members, please join anytime between now and end of day Friday February 7th.
Closers (Juiced JC and pushpin76), please make sure you do NOT join before Saturday February 8th.