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2021 Mystery Tournament - 60's League #5

PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 2:34 am
by Juiced JC
60's League #5 Members
160. robertfox33
134. gcripe
111. Winpro (Sprow01)
1. Juiced JC (closer)
95. ctippolito
116. seanreflex
114. JohnBrubaker (closer)
61. davehaller
35. Brent65
17. JimmyJames209
103. dcmt


All non-closers must join the league and set themselves as "Ready for Draft" before Satruday January 16th. Closers (Juiced JC and JohnBrubaker) can join the league but must not set themselves as "Ready for Draft" until Saturday January 16th. Do NOT post the league invite code here.