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Reminder: 70's Leagues can draft ANY TIME now

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 1:44 pm
by Juiced JC
Just a reminder that unlike in the 60's round, the closers don't need to wait to any specific date to close the 70's leagues. All 14 leagues have a February 8th opening day set, so drafting early just means a longer pre-season. I just ask that the closers wait to set themselves as "Ready for Draft" last, so that they can ensure that the correct 12 teams are in the league before they set themselves as ready.

Re: Reminder: 70's Leagues can draft ANY TIME now

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 8:18 pm
by sphilipp8

Re: Reminder: 70's Leagues can draft ANY TIME now

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 11:58 pm
by Juiced JC
So far 2 70's leagues have drafted and 3 more have 12 teams loaded and just need a few to set as "Ready for Draft".

Re: Reminder: 70's Leagues can draft ANY TIME now

PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 1:23 pm
by Juiced JC
I know it's hard to patient - believe me I can't wait for my own 70's league to draft - but I'm not going to start paging people and trying to track them down until tomorrow (Friday) evening as I want to give people until end of the day Friday to get in on their own time and at their own pace. We don't have a time crunch yet - these leagues are not starting until Feb 8. This year more than ever we need to conscious of people being busy in the real world and not able to give full attention to the fantasy world we're living in here.

Having said that, I do think we are having a bit of a communication problem with some of the new participants this year who do not realize the overall schedule of things and who are unaware of the need to check in here at the Discussion Forum and their private messages for updates. I may address that in the next day or two by drafting a message that can be shared in each 60's league.

Re: Reminder: 70's Leagues can draft ANY TIME now

PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 3:06 pm
by Radagast Brown
Thanks. I think League 8 is just waiting on one more...