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Paging bkr1974 and Studmeister

PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2024 9:57 am
by Juiced JC
Attention bkr1974 and Studmeister, if you don't set as Ready by noon Eastern today you run the risk of losing your spot in the tournament.

Re: Paging bkr1974 and Studmeister

PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2024 1:19 pm
by Juiced JC
bkr1974 has been removed from League 9 and visick has been invited to replace him. I hate doing this to someone, but I have to think of the other 143 participants at the same time. Hopefully League 9 drafts soon. Thanks for your patience everybody, not always easy to handle these situations.

Re: Paging bkr1974 and Studmeister

PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2024 2:36 pm
by jmdziuban2
Understood. I don't like the idea of removing someone either, but how long can everyone else be made to wait? I am assuming that no contact has been had to account for the tardiness. A contact that would have taken less than fifteen minutes at some point over the past half-week. Thus it can no longer be assumed that they will ever appear back.

Re: Paging bkr1974 and Studmeister

PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2024 3:58 pm
by jaywalker72
Agree - and JC really exhausted every other avenue in terms of contact. We are all humans (I think) and life happens to all of us. I hope wherever bkr went, it is not a serious situation and only one that unavoidably took them away from here.

Re: Paging bkr1974 and Studmeister

PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2024 6:58 pm
by Juiced JC
visick has replaced bkr1974 in League 9. The league should draft soon.

Re: Paging bkr1974 and Studmeister

PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2024 11:18 pm
by bkr1974
I apologize to all. Completely forgot about the league with a blizzard and kids off from school all last week. Just occurred to me now to try logging in and completely understand you replacing me.

See you next year when I promise not to mess it all up!