Signups for the 2024 Baseball Daily Tournament: Cancelled

Our innovative Baseball Daily game- players cards change based on their real life performance

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Radagast Brown

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Re: Signups for the 2024 Baseball Daily Tournament: Extended

PostTue Jun 11, 2024 11:42 am

I'm sorry about that JC. Any interest in a LIVE DAILY DRAFT some evening? If you are interested I think we could get 12 for that. Live drafts are a lot of fun.


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Re: Signups for the 2024 Baseball Daily Tournament: Extended

PostTue Jun 11, 2024 4:14 pm

Juiced JC wrote:I could not get a response from Grinder. We got one new person in TraderFrank, but lost one in TheOldMan. Even though we are only 2 away from 24, we've been close for weeks, we've lost a lot of schedule and would likely have to reduce this to 2 rounds. Plus, I am not confident that our current 22 will all be around and still be interested to join our leagues if we started a tournament. I think we are going to cancel the tournament.

I think 2024 will be the year baseball forgets. Trying to forge 24 teams from a pool of 30 when the talent is already paper thin is an unrewarding task. I just couldn't justify the expense involved.
Sorry All

Juiced JC

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Re:Signups for the 2024 Baseball Daily Tournament: Cancelled

PostTue Jun 11, 2024 5:17 pm

I am interested in a live draft, and I'll also be setting up a regular 12 team Daily league, making it private, and inviting the 21 of you to join. First 12 get a spot. At least it will be a competitive league with 12 of the top Daily players in it. Details on that to come in the next few days.


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Re: Signups for the 2024 Baseball Daily Tournament: Cancelle

PostTue Jun 11, 2024 7:34 pm

Maybe next year, try to shoot for 36 players with just 2 team commitment. Have all 12 playoff teams invited directly to finals. I love daily but it is ALOT of time commitment. Good luck all c you in my last daily team of year soon!


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Re: Signups for the 2024 Baseball Daily Tournament: Cancelle

PostSun Jun 16, 2024 2:31 pm

Sorry to see the daily game tournament failed to get off the ground. The Daily Game is truly niche. I happen to like it a lot.

We have an ongoing 12 team league using the daily game, we’re in I think our 7th year. In our format, everybody gets a real life franchise, and on top of that, we draft 26 “free agents” each (from the 18 non league teams) and during the season, only players from your franchise, plus your 26 extras, can be used. We have rules for FA keepers and build in some draft advantages for the weaker teams each year. It still requires regular attention during the sim to excel, but everyone has a limited pool of players to follow, so it’s easier to keep up with than the wide open draft leagues in this format.

It has been challenging to fill vacancies on occasion but we have always been able to, and a good number of league members have been in it for the duration, or close to it.

I hope there is enough continuing interest to keep the Daily set going in the future.

Radagast Brown

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Re: Signups for the 2024 Baseball Daily Tournament: Cancelle

PostThu Jul 04, 2024 11:13 pm

That sounds like a nice league.

Count me in on any live draft, JC. I haven't had much time to check the boards.

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