How do you deal with bad luck and extreme bad performance?

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How do you deal with bad luck and extreme bad performance?

PostTue Jun 04, 2019 10:07 pm

I've managed to draft some decent pitchers, but one is just getting killed. Most of my pitchers have been unlucky with rolls to the hitters card outnumbering pitchers card results.
One, Berrios is doing so poorly, and so much worse than his card or current-season stats would suggest. I don't really have any comparable options available in free agency for quality that should get decent results, but he's just been brutal.
Do you cut bait, or hope the luck evens out? Clearly pitching at home is where most of the damage is.
The team was an experiment - I drafted a fair number of players I wanted, but not all.

If this was a mystery card team I'd dump fast, but I just have no experience in this position.


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Re: How do you deal with bad luck and extreme bad performanc

PostTue Jun 04, 2019 10:25 pm

lexomatic wrote:I've managed to draft some decent pitchers, but one is just getting killed. Most of my pitchers have been unlucky with rolls to the hitters card outnumbering pitchers card results.
One, Berrios is doing so poorly, and so much worse than his card or current-season stats would suggest. I don't really have any comparable options available in free agency for quality that should get decent results, but he's just been brutal.
Do you cut bait, or hope the luck evens out? Clearly pitching at home is where most of the damage is.
The team was an experiment - I drafted a fair number of players I wanted, but not all.

If this was a mystery card team I'd dump fast, but I just have no experience in this position.

The cards change on daily basis. Many without logic. Berrios' card I saw is not good. A lot of hits. You need to cut and find the "hot" cards, This is what the daily league is about. It is critical to plan ahead since the rosters freeze after game 141


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Re: How do you deal with bad luck and extreme bad performanc

PostWed Jun 05, 2019 12:06 am

And then I get a game like this one...


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Re: How do you deal with bad luck and extreme bad performanc

PostWed Jun 05, 2019 12:31 am

You have to make a ton of transactions in daily leagues, in my opinion. A card that's good now might be terrible two weeks from now-- and it's the pitcher cards that change the most dramatically.
Always look for bargains. You're probably used to the expensive players being the best players, but that's not really true in a daily league. Look at two of the best SP's right now... one is Verlander at 7.10, just as you'd expect, but then there's Lucas Giolito at .70! Chris Paddack (3.16) had a perfect card for a while-- nothing but outs. So did relievers Walden (1.17) and Gott (.70). Searching the free agent list for cheap-but-suddenly-great players is like a treasure hunt.

PS: Congrats on the no-hitter!

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