17.4 Card Add direction...

Discussion for new cards to add; moderated by Rosie2167

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Re: 17.4 Card Add direction...

PostThu Oct 12, 2017 3:45 pm

Rosie2167 wrote:Mike Lieberthal, PHI '99 .914 OPS, 5L C (1-3e3) zero cards
Heine Zimmerman, CHC 1912 .989 OPS, 3B/1B, 1 card (0.97)
George Watkins, STL '30, 1.037 OPS, RF/1B, 2 cards, this one would be much better and new to STL.
Harry Rice, SLB '25, 1.028 OPS, OF, zero cards

If you look up, you'll see Zimmerman on my list already-- he plays 3b so can see a use.
Lieberthal is okay- but we already have a bunch of great lefty killing C's, and hes bad against RH, so maybe some use, but for me wouldn't be so good.
not sure the Watkins or Rice cards will be useful, but could be wrong.


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Re: 17.4 Card Add direction...

PostThu Oct 12, 2017 3:49 pm

This was my initial full list with possible replacements below it-- I haven't finished looking btw- its just time consuming;
and I focused on trying to find some 2b, SS , C and a few 3B- that's where its difficult; although did try and include a couple of O's for the franchise.

1. Chris Davis 6R 2013 card 1B
2. Zach Britton 2016 LHRP 4R
3. Harry Heilmann 1923
4. Steve Howe LHRP 1991 7L
5. Duane Ward 1993
6. Matt Kemp 2011
7. Chipper Jones 2007 3b 3e12 7R
8. Jose Bautista 2011 3B OPS 1.055 good card
9. George Sisler 1922 1b OPS 1.061 BA .420 OBP .467 SLG .594
10. Buck Ewing 1890 Catcher ABs 352 Avg. .338 OBP. 406 SLG. .545
OR 1893 ABs 500 Avg. .344 OBP .394 SLG .496
11. Cupid Childs 1894 2B PA 595 BA .353 OBP .475 SLG. 459 OPS .935
12. George Davis 1894 SS PA 566 BA. .352 OBP.434 SLG. .541 OPS .976
13. Hardy Richardson 1886 2B PA 584 BA .351 OBP .402 SLG .504 OPS .906
14. Heinie Zimmerman 1912 3b plus BA .372 OBP .418 SLG .579 OPS .989
15. Bill Joyce 1894 3B PA459 AB355 BA .355 OBP .496 SLG .698 OPS 1.143

Maybe instead of the above: (ill add more)

2001 OR 2004 JD DREW-- anyone can see these cards please chime in.
1928 Goose Goslin PA 526 BA .379 OBP .442 SLG .614 OPS 1.056 LF/RF[/quote]
1895 Jack Clements C PA 355 BA .394 OBP .446 SLG .612 OPS 1.058
1899 John McGraw 3B BA .391 OBP .505 SLG .446 OPS .994 (better year by a fair bit)
1889 Fred Carrol C PA 414 BA .330 OBP .486 SLG .484 OPS .970


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Re: 17.4 Card Add direction...

PostThu Oct 12, 2017 7:29 pm

I think a case can be made for 1976 Graig Nettles...LH HR-hitting 3b are in limited supply...
The card should be about an 8R.... .317/.390/.597/.987 vs righties...led AL w/32 HR's...

After Brett and Mathews the pickings are slim...Thome a 4 on Def and Evans is a weak 3L...


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Re: 17.4 Card Add direction...

PostThu Oct 12, 2017 10:51 pm

BCNY-- thanks for chiming in. (took me a minute to figure out what you were saying)

I do agree with you about the lack of lefty 3Bs-- Boggs has one more potentially better season, but really not much different than what we have.
The above 7R Chipper to me is a big upgrade and works well with the other 3L one too, even though hes a SH.
Also the above McGraw card - don't know the def, but look at the numbers, they are awfully good.

according to baseball reference Nettles season wasn't that great overall. Think even weighted to one side that won't be enough.
look at his 1978 card for example which is 5R and almost the exact same OPS-- .803 vs .802
that card doesn't get used at 140.

76 Nettles has an OPS of .802, BA. 254 OBP .327 SLG. 475
Not seeing any seasons he had an OPS over .829


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Re: 17.4 Card Add direction...

PostFri Oct 13, 2017 7:46 am

Craig Kimbrel-RP 2012 http://365.strat-o-matic.com/player/91502/2012/1/20714
Mike Adams-RP 2009 http://365.strat-o-matic.com/player/90666/2009/1/20714
Phil Bradley-LF 1986 http://365.strat-o-matic.com/player/31206/1986/1/101
Rick Wilkins-C 1993 http://365.strat-o-matic.com/player/3415/1690/1/90

Dale Alexander-1B 1929 43-2B 15-3B 25-HR 137-RBI .343/.397/.580
Moose Solters-LF 1937 42-2B 11-3B 20-HR 109-RBI .323/.372/.533
Billy Southworth-RF 1923 .319/.383/.448
Harry Coveleski-SP 1916 21-11 1.97-ERA 1.05-WHIP
Ray Grimes-1B 1922 45-2B 12-3B 14-HR 99-RBI .354/.442/.572
Birdie Cree-OF 1911 30-2b 20-3B 48-SB .348/.415/.513
Benny Kauff- CF 1914 44-2B 13-3B 75-SB .370/.447/.534


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Re: 17.4 Card Add direction...

PostFri Oct 13, 2017 10:07 am

Hi Frank--
thank you for taking the time and putting in some folks :)

For the first 4
Kimbrel and Adams would definitely play, no question. Great RPs, both, super duper stud cards.

Bradley and Wilkins cards unfortunately despite decent stats prolly wont get use.
Wilkins card doesn't reflect his obp for whatever reason-- yeah, it should, but doesn't-
and Bradley is mostly walks and singles-- maybe he gets used as a backup in higher caps.

So, basically I think if its not a C, 2b, SS, 3b - an OPS under 1.000 really hasn't got much chance, with maybe a couple of exceptions- like a leadoff/speed guy, who would definitely need an OBP north of .400 and play defense.
There are tons of 1Bs, DHs especially already.
For pitchers, its tougher to know-- probably whip needs to be in that range at most, but still might not make it-- difficult.

most promising from the list:
Kauff who I like, season wasn't in MLB so not sure if it can be used-- it was in the independent league.
Southworth might have a shot because although hes mainly an OF, he played some 2b-- so if anyone can see his card, that would be fantastic.


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Re: 17.4 Card Add direction...

PostFri Oct 13, 2017 10:21 am

Salty, if you are looking for 2b and 3b, two I posted in the franchise forums are

Bobby Grich 1981 .304/.378/.543/.921 He led the league in slugging as a second baseman. Very good 2b defensive metrics. Should not be worse than a 2. Hoping for a 1
Melvin Mora 2004 .340/.419/.562/.981. Very good 3b defensive metrics. Should not be worse than a 2. Hoping for a 1

Also Brian Roberts 2005 .314/.387/.515/.903, but his defensive numbers aren't good


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Re: 17.4 Card Add direction...

PostFri Oct 13, 2017 10:29 am

I'm looking at Southworth '23 on the SOM cardreader app - 1st thing you notice is that he is a 4 e21 in ALL OF positions and a 4 e71 at 2B.He's OK offensively with about a 40 OB each side (his Left & Right sides are identicle) and 4.3 Double, 3.8 Triple & .5 HR chances. Runs 1-15 Steals *4-6 (17-12). Pretty much un-usable defensively.

- The Sheik


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Re: 17.4 Card Add direction...

PostFri Oct 13, 2017 10:30 am

Thank you Ratio!

Looked at the 81 Grich previously--
another one that you'd think would work high up, sadly the card doesn't reflect the OBP well :cry:

would love to see the 2004 Mora card.


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Re: 17.4 Card Add direction...

PostFri Oct 13, 2017 10:31 am

Sheikyerboudi wrote:I'm looking at Southworth '23 on the SOM cardreader app - 1st thing you notice is that he is a 4 e21 in ALL OF positions and a 4 e71 at 2B.He's OK offensively with about a 40 OB each side (his Left & Right sides are identicle) and 4.3 Double, 3.8 Triple & .5 HR chances. Runs 1-15 Steals *4-6 (17-12). Pretty much un-usable defensively.

- The Sheik

yeah-- Id say that would rule him out, b/c in that case we are just talking about another DH :cry: :cry:

Thank you Sheik for the info!

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