18.3 Direction

Discussion for new cards to add; moderated by Rosie2167

Moderator: BC15NY

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Re: 18.3 Direction

PostTue Sep 11, 2018 2:26 pm

Salty wrote:"The important part of the process is making sure the adds happen consistently and on time." I wrote this

"One time I lag and the sky is falling. If you truly think this process is worse than the previous one then by all means feel free to contact SOM and request that we go back to the way it was. Which if I recall was neither consistent nor on time."
You wrote this...

Could you maybe read a little more carefully?

I'll try, that is if you can try to recollect more accurately. When I first happened upon the card add process it was the first 40 nominations got in, no vote.


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Re: 18.3 Direction

PostTue Sep 11, 2018 2:59 pm

Are you now asserting that Garcia was not holding polls prior to you getting involved?

Id just like to be clear about what exactly you are accusing me of forgetting.


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Re: 18.3 Direction

PostTue Sep 11, 2018 4:28 pm

Salty you've got an answer or comeback for everything. I personally don't recall how he did it any longer, I thought it was the first 40 nominated got it which is what prompted me to reach out to Garcia in the first place and volunteer to run it. Maybe I'm wrong, its happened before and it will happen again.

The Last Druid

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Re: 18.3 Direction

PostTue Sep 11, 2018 4:55 pm

It seems to me that Rosie has taken on a lot of self imposed responsibility for the whole process and that this has recently become burdensome.

I would suggest that the process should be looked at, to make it less stressful for Rosie and more efficient.

Up until 18.3, whatever else one wants to say about him, Rosie was very reliable with deadlines. The bottlenecks with getting the cards into the actual set were previously two fold. The biggest appears to be the committee of various community members that prices the cards. I am aware of at least four people who comprise that pricing group, there may well be more. Until they do their job, no cards get added. I would suggest that those involved in the pricing process be given two weeks to get their proposed prices in and after that, just go with the submitted proposals, tabulate and then average the submitted prices.

The priced cards then go to Strat, presumably Garcia, for entry into the set. HAL only knows how long that takes, the 18.2 entries weren't even announced as they had been with the infamous Garcia blog. At least if we limit the time the pricing component of the process takes, then we can hold SOM somewhat accountable in the forum of community opinion, for whatever little that might be worth. My sense is they couldn't give a rats ass about what we think or want, but at least we would know exactly how they are screwing us.

I would suggest that Rosie could, should he so desire, continue to organize the addition process but perhaps in a less labor intensive manner. He might wish to suggest some themes to add each time but allow the actual process of the nominations to be simply the first 50 or 60 cards nominated to make the poll and let the top 25 vote getters make the add. Seems simple, less stressful. For future polls (beyond the first poll) keep the nominations to 50 and allow the ten highest vote getters not admitted from the previous poll to be in the next poll.

Just my 2 cents.


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Re: 18.3 Direction

PostTue Sep 11, 2018 5:16 pm

Rosie2167 wrote:Salty you've got an answer or comeback for everything. I personally don't recall how he did it any longer, I thought it was the first 40 nominated got it which is what prompted me to reach out to Garcia in the first place and volunteer to run it. Maybe I'm wrong, its happened before and it will happen again.

SO let me answer this first:

Rosie, I have a comeback when you accuse me of something that simply isn't true-- as is the case here, and this isn't the first time.
Now, if you had read my previous commentary correctly prior to making these remarks, none of it was about you personally- it was about the process, and if you noticed I said this is LITERALLY the first time its not SoM's fault--
but you skipped over that part I guess.

Anyway-- to the Druid's suggestion-- as I keep saying the job is to get the cards at least relatively on time from what was promised -- and to let everyone have a fair say--- the rest is prolongation-- so whatever gets us to that point.


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Re: 18.3 Direction

PostSat Sep 15, 2018 2:22 am

Curious Rosie now that Garcia is lost in space... who are u dealing with... if it is Garcia could u ask him why no updates

george barnard

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Re: 18.3 Direction

PostSat Sep 22, 2018 3:20 am

Don't know if you're still taking 2B possibilities. Here are some more:

1995 Luis Alicea -- Boston Red Sox .270/.367/.375

2004 Mark Bellhorn -- Boston Red Sox .264/.373/.444
also plays short and third

1957 Don Blasingame -- St. Louis Cardinals .271/.343/.368
better card than what we have

2003 Juan Castro -- Cincinnati Reds .253/.290/.388
also plays all other infield positions

1974 Doug Griffin -- Boston Red Sox .266/.329/.330 (rh who hits righties, 3 inj, good d)

2014 Howie Kendrick -- Los Angeles Angels .293/.347/.397 (2e12)

2016 Jason Kipnis -- Cleveland Indians .275/.343/.469 (2e13, not sure how we ended up with the card we have!)

2005 Hector Luna -- St. Louis Cardinals .285/.344/.409
plays all positions except catcher and 1B

1978 Bob Randall -- Minnesota Twins .270/.329/.321
also plays 3B

1963 Jake Wood -- Detroit Tigers .271/.330/.407 (better card, also plays 3B, 3 inj)

1920 Ralph Young -- Detroit Tigers .291/.382/.347
mainstay of late teens/early 20s Tiger teams


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Re: 18.3 Direction

PostTue Sep 25, 2018 5:41 pm

Bellhorn has a better card than that 2004 card IMHO.

His 2002 card with the Cubs. He was a 5L, and mashed on BOTH sides.

.258/ .374/ .512



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Re: 18.3 Direction

PostTue Sep 25, 2018 11:30 pm

2b poll will he posted tomorrow (Wed).


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Re: 18.3 Direction

PostWed Sep 26, 2018 4:13 pm

How about Carney Lansford's best year? He batted .336! (1981 card)

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