ATG Card Poll 1 of 2
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 9:40 pm
This is poll 1 of 2 to help identify where we as a community should focus the nominations for this upcoming ATG Card add.
Community forum
bontomn wrote:I can't truthfully answer the question the way it's phrased. It's important to add cards of unrepresented players, but to me it's equally important to help the seldom-ever-chosen franchises by upgrading players who now have only seriously unworthy cards, usually only one. I think it would be wasted effort to have Strat add extra seasons for players who already have three or more cards.
The Last Druid wrote:Don't like this poll. Most have multiple priorities I suspect. I want both players who are not in the set and players with cards that don't reflect anything close to their best years and players that will meet franchise needs. I also want some guys with great seasons like Bonds' .370 year. With 50 cards we can have a bit of everything. We already have a format for the cards, eras and teams. Why complicate it, particularly by setting up false dichotomies as in the way this poll is worded.