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We all want to love this football 365 game...but...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 11:21 am
by Chris Franco
We all want to love this football 365 game...but...
They really should have made sure it was ready to roll ...before trotting it out as a finished product.

If the intent was to put it out there...and then we...who jump right the role of Guinea pigs...that's fine...but tell us that and let us play for free or a $1 or something until it's finished and all running smoothly.

Of course...the role of Guinea pig would go down easier if it seemed like they read these forums and posted feedback to our feedback....'s amazing we all still play this game and love it so spite of the lack of customer service.
It's really amazing.

Somewhere in a bizarro world ...I can see some Ted Talk...where the leaders of Strat stand up and tell everyone...
About what suckers we are. And how they made hundreds of thousands of dollars with this incredible plan. And bragging at how customer service is way overrated and not needed if you have a product the nerd knuckleheads will buy no matter what.


Re: We all want to love this football 365 game...but...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 11:29 am
Now that's funny, AND I plead guilty to the nerd part.

Re: We all want to love this football 365 game...but...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 1:14 pm
I believe the big issue here for SOM is "us"! A majority of the online SOM game are corporate execs, doctors, lawyers, etc. who only have time in their days to play the online Strato. Expectations are very high!
The baseball is a premium product, so we continue to play (though as per Lance's note, the improvement have stalled out). SOM still has plenty of room to improve baseball.

Because of the clientele playing these games, it's no wonder the online Football didn't live up to our standards. Way too many holes during the launch....and way too many highly educated, high functioning people who would like to play, but not happy about the glaring issues.

Many of us vets have been called on to be beta testers in the past. I honestly don't believe this was beta tested by an users. That was the biggest mistake in my opinion. Rush to launch to coincide with the real football season kind of backfired.

Re: We all want to love this football 365 game...but...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 2:00 pm
by DGF102052
The owners of Football teams should get a choice of either a full cash refund or a 1 for 1 credit exchange for baseball.
I know the baseball team is more costly but SOM should take the hit for this mess.

Re: We all want to love this football 365 game...but...

PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 5:29 pm
by tof78
Personally I trust them and I will be patient.

Re: We all want to love this football 365 game...but...

PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 11:39 am
by sjwholigan
I just got my two first teams. Hoping all you guinea pigs have suffered on my behalf and the game is ready to rock'n'roll :geek:

Re: We all want to love this football 365 game...but...

PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 12:52 pm
by djmacb
Some of the stats are still bolloxed up. The WR stats are doubled and the sacks stats are different between the Def(Player) and Leaders tabs.

Re: We all want to love this football 365 game...but...

PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 1:49 pm
by stratfanatic
djmacb wrote:Some of the stats are still bolloxed up. The WR stats are doubled and the sacks stats are different between the Def(Player) and Leaders tabs.

email strat directly at as they don't read this forum