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Mandatory Penalty(?) Negates a 75 yrd run

PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 2:15 am
by Golden Bubba
Does anyone have access to the actual Card and Dice adv/super-adv Penalty split charts to assist in clarifying the following...

Can you clarify if there are any Defensive penalties which MUST be accepted by the offense, or are the MANDATORY penalties offensive only?

According to the play-by-play, I (GOL) apparently had a 75-yrd run negated by a 0-yrd penalty(?) on the defense (Brooklyn). This was a MANDATORY(?) acceptance penalty and thus, it negated the run gain. Is there a coach out there that would actually decline this type of penalty, if given the choice? I'll admit to not following pro football much these last few years, but is there an instance in real life that a penalty on the defense must be accepted and therefore negate a substantial gain by the offense? If it were an off-sides or some other prior-to-the-snap variety...wouldn't that be reflected in the following Line of Scrimmage?

One possibility is that the PbP account is wrong and the penalty is actually on Golden instead of Brooklyn...

Here's the play-by-play...any insightful assistance would be appreciated.

1-10 GOL 23
(6:05) End Run - Right (Blocking Back 1HB) [D: 4-3, Pass]
LeSean McCoy (HB): 75 yards
Prince Amukamara (LCB)
Penalty On
Brooklyn: 0 yards
Penalty Mandatory

1-10 GOL 23
(5:46) End Run - Left (Blocking Back 1HB) [D: 4-3, Pass]
Mike Tolbert (BB): Good Play
LeSean McCoy (HB): 3 yards
Ahmad Brooks (RLB)
Eli Harold (LLB)

Re: Mandatory Penalty(?) Negates a 75 yrd run

PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 3:51 am
by edwardneal63
Not certain what happened here but a situation where the play could be returned to the original line of scrimmage with no loss of down would be for offsetting penalties (e.g. offsides on the defense and holding on the offense.) Tough break even if the play turns out to be correct.

Re: Mandatory Penalty(?) Negates a 75 yrd run

PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 6:48 am
by Golden Bubba
Ed, ah yes, thanks for that...that too is a possibility. I assume that the play-by-play doesn't delineate showing off-setting penalties from one-sided penalties, so since only one penalty can be shown, it was arbitrarily shown to be the defense.

As for the penalty split either the adv or super-adv rules allow for off-setting penalties to occur? I'm quite content to assume that the rules allow for this...but any confirmation from the actual split charts would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Mandatory Penalty(?) Negates a 75 yrd run

PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 9:47 am
by edwardneal63
gbrookes was kind enough to post several links to material helpful to understanding playing Strat football. Uncertain if this PDF article was directly linked or not but it does mention the possibility of offsetting penalties. Looking through some of gbrookes' football related posts might find other useful information as well. ... +Rules.pdf PDF Document

Edit: Looking at an older post, seems doug_tucker10 linked this article on 9/8. Thanks to him, gbrookes, and all who have tried to make Strat football more understandable.

Re: Mandatory Penalty(?) Negates a 75 yrd run

PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 10:21 am
by Golden Bubba
Awesome...excellent document! On page 30, it states that offsetting penalties are possible. I can live with that.