Tue Sep 26, 2017 11:55 am
1. Wish I was joking
2. Set team preferences to hide score(s)
3. Check Front Office to see if that night's game is completed
4. If completed, while squinting eyes strongly, select just under the box "Show just this game score"
5. Still strongly squinting eyes so as to not be able to read the score, select the blue colored text just below the newly appearing box.
6. Continue squinting eyes and select the Play by Play box that now has appeared in the middle of the two other boxes
7. While continuing to squint, move the page so Quarter 1 Quarter 2 etc are the first thing visible on the page
8. Stop squinting and go through the play by play quarter by quarter while keeping track of the score separately
9. Review box score after completing desired portion of play by play.
10. Receive eye exams at appropriate intervals
11. Hope Strat adds a line for Play by Play selection on the Front Office page that goes directly to a Play by Play page that begins with the Quarters and not the box score.