Wed Nov 28, 2012 12:52 am
I know no one cares, and why bother changing it, but the awards voting algorithms may as well include "grittiness" for all they've incorporated any baseball thinking since about 1985
after 27 games in a new league, the silver sluggers at third base have the following OBP/SLG:
.403 .664 (104 AB)
.306 .628 (94 AB)
... but they have 9 and 10 HR, respectively
meanwhile, Sandoval has this:
.442 .695 (95 AB)
... but 5 HRs
and is not the third base silver slugger
wouldn't it be really easy to change the algorithms for the awards? I know there are more important things to do, but this would be, like, one line of code