Sat May 17, 2014 10:25 pm
I might join if I win some credits soon, although I probably have too many teams already. I like the auto-draft option, so I'm not sure why players do seem to be shying away from it, but I have some ideas:
1. Obviously the time commitment can be daunting, particularly for those of us who have fluctuating schedules. A 90sec. draft can take 2-21/2 hours and a 60sec draft can take an hour 1/2, and any time limit less than that is really too short for all but the most intensely focused Autodraft player ranking takes 5-15 minutes for most managers to fill and can be done at any time.
2. The difficulty. While some have talked about how the Autodraft favors veterans over newbies, the Live Draft does even moreso. It requires both a substantial catalogic knowledge of all the leagues players (which newbies don't have), and the ability to use that knowledge to pick the right player in the right round on the fly and under more inexperienced players would be understandably intimidated.
Anyway, even if I don't join, good luck in filling your league.