Here is an interesting team to look at when evaluating how well HAL will respect your wishes for a platoon: ... ight/79136This was experiment league we did a long time ago, but the results are still enlightening. The objective here was to lose as many games as possible. So, I picked the worst possible offensive players, but many were heavily slanted to the left side or the right side. So, I instructed HAL play these guys their BAD way, and to specifically avoid their good way. So, HAL probably had some real tough times when games were close and relievers were brought in and I was specifically telling him to do something really idiotic, and fundamentally opposed to the general spirit of the game.
But, I have to say, he really followed my directions VERY well. Take a look at guys like Wayne Krenchicki (a 6R), but only faced right handed pitching 13% of the time. Tom Lawless, an awesome card vs. LHP (9L) batted .458 vs. the anemic left handed pitching he did face, but only faced them 15% of the time. And yes, they did pinch hit their bad way all the time.
So, platooning works, and HAL will do what you say even if what you say is stupid.