- Posts: 5343
- Joined: Fri Aug 24, 2012 8:24 am
REAL managers are faced with terrible injuries to his players all the time and there isnt anything he can do about it, We as computer managers face the same woes but ya know what-it aint no fun! When my star player goes down for 15 games my season can be shot and it sucks. However, in Strato World it CAN be fixed. Eliminate injuries!!!!! Make them all minor-max three games. Use at bat appearences as criteria( player can only bat as many times as he actually did). This is all about skill in buying and managing players yet we throw a huge luck factor right in the middle of it all. I feel way more pain in my in juries and derive very little joy in YOUR injuries.
This is all about having fun. Yes, my teams mostly suck but I can live with my foilabilities but losing to pure dumb luck come on man,