Sat Jun 09, 2018 7:06 pm
A good way to get players is to invite people from the other leagues you have been in so far this year in League mail. I have a group of guys i have been playing with for over 15 years to draw from. If you have trouble getting people, I might set up a Private Password Protected League with the same format and send you the password after we get it half filled. The Private Password Protected Leagues are to keep out a few "Undesireable" players that some players have issues with. This kind of keeps leagues filled with players that already know each other and get along over a long period of time. If you have ever been in a league with one of these players, you'll understand why the password protected leagues exist. I am sorry that this occurs occasionally, but it does. By "Undesireable", I mean players who cheat, might have more than 1 team in a league or collude with friends, or players who cannot get along with the other players in the league and start trouble - Making it miserable for other players to enjoy the experience. It's tough enough when that occurs in a 12 team league. But it's a nightmare in a 24 team league.