Is there any thread that explains 365 play by play?

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Is there any thread that explains 365 play by play?

PostTue Aug 06, 2019 2:16 pm

The play by play is essentially a table with no header for categories. If I knew what the categories were I could decipher what's happening pretty easily, but that info is not available. I tried searching the wiki and the help but there's no info on the play-by-play.
Is anyone aware of a post or thread somewhere that explains how to read them?
I know how to read cards etc. I have never needed to understand play by play so I ignored it. I'm curious if it can be useful in any way or if it's just fluff.


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Re: Is there any thread that explains 365 play by play?

PostTue Aug 06, 2019 2:23 pm

Found on my own.
and probalby other places

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