**** okay, heard from quite a few people -- its up and waiting *****
Thinking about new leagues for this season. All of us are likely pretty bored. Any interest in any of the below?
1. $60M w/ DH 2. $60M no/DH and 24 teams (or w/ dh?) 3. No player over $5 million... cap at $80M w/ DH 4. Cap Players at 5 or 6M and no limit on P? No DH 5. New Iron Glove league -- Draft First 10 rounds live then go to Auto to fill? Rule: no one with anything less than a 4 on their fielding rating (this prevents HAL from moving guys around to where some have less than a 4.) DH must also be a 4+.
Any interest in any of the above?
Last edited by RandyW64 on Mon Apr 20, 2020 4:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
24 team leagues are always great, it may take a while to gain steam but once people start joining (along with continuous reminders on this forum) they can fill fast. I like the $60 cap with DH..