pitchers stealing & players sac hits

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Big Fred Whitfield

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pitchers stealing & players sac hits

PostWed Jul 03, 2024 8:53 am

is there any viable/good reason why a pitcher would be stealing ?

my pitcher reached base and then was picked off ?

does this happen to every level (rating) of pitcher's cards ?.....why would any pitcher be leading off far enough to even warrant a throw, let alone to be picked off ?

about sac hits.....my settings are the lowest possible, ultra conservative for sacrifices.....why then would a pitcher sacrifice with a player on 2nd base and less than 2 outs ?....the runner is already in scoring position, and the settings have told HAL to NOT sacrifice as much as possible ?

again, would a different pitcher's hitting card rating have this happen more than a "8" (best) hitting pitcher ?

trying to understand either the algorithm or process, even if the logic wouldn't be there regardless

thanks for playing


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Re: pitchers stealing & players sac hits

PostFri Jul 05, 2024 9:37 am

welcome to the world of HAL, sometimes its like how did I get here, things aren't what they could be, and when you think you have seen crazy just wait,,, sorry I dont have any answers,

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