fielding question

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fielding question

PostTue May 28, 2013 12:45 am

How does a 1 fielder give up a single? Below, Granderson hits it to Hardy

1 1 3 C.Granderson 5-10 Single (SS) 3-H 1-3 b-1 gb(SS)x F9


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Re: fielding question

PostTue May 28, 2013 1:37 am

Someone else can explain it for you but it does happen once in a blue moon. You will get your answer here I am sure.
The msaegse is waht mttares msot!


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Re: fielding question

PostTue May 28, 2013 7:44 am

sombb wrote:How does a 1 fielder give up a single? Below, Granderson hits it to Hardy

1 1 3 C.Granderson 5-10 Single (SS) 3-H 1-3 b-1 gb(SS)x F9

Who was the runner on first base? On third base? How many outs were there? What was the game score?

I'm fairly sure that the game result is either from the "infield being called in" (most likely) or a runner being held (less likely with the runner on third).

For example, when the infield is in, this causes GBX results to change as follows:
-readings on the X chart that are marked by a "#" result in a Single** (runners advance 2 bases), instead of an out.
-Also, the range rating for the fielder shifts 1 - so a 1 range fielder becomes a 2 range fielder.

So if there was one out or no outs, and the defense called infield in (the play by play does not display this decision), then these adjustments come into effect. Based on the fielder having a 1 range, the reading must have been a "#" reading. There are 4 such readings on the x chart, so that this effect increases the odds of a base hit by 20% (4 out of 20). The change in range rating generally increases the chance of a base hit by another 10% (2 out of 20). The combined increase of the odds of a base hit is 30% from calling infield in.

You can preset your preference for infield in under "team strategy". It allows you to designate what is the EARLIEST inning in which the computer manager can bring the infield in (innings 1 through 5). However, this also tends to influence the LIKELIHOOD that HAL (computer manager) will bring in the infield, even if it is in a "permitted" inning. So a 1 would be more likely (and from the first inning onward), whereas 5 would mean less likely, and never before the fifth inning.

You probably know this already, but the advantage of infield in is that on many X chart and GB readings, the runner from third is either prevented from scoring, or may be less likely to score. I would have to look that up in the rules and on the X chart reading, which will take some digging. Let me know if you want me to get those effects for you!

But let me know what the game situation was, to confirm whether or not the effect was infield in.



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Re: fielding question

PostTue May 28, 2013 9:12 am

Was a gb(ss)x, last I knew the rules it meant runner on 3rd hold, other runners advance 1 base.


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Re: fielding question

PostTue May 28, 2013 10:15 am

sombb wrote:Was a gb(ss)x, last I knew the rules it meant runner on 3rd hold, other runners advance 1 base.

Here is a link to a photo image of the X chart: ... s.jpg.html

I think that the rule you are quoting was in effect before strat came out with the super advanced fielding chart (at the link above). The results that can occur now with the infield in and the fielding chart are quite varied.

I was surprised even right now to see that with a G2 (equivalent of a groundball B) on the fielding chart, with the infield in, with runners on 3rd (or 2nd and 3rd, but NOT forced), the lead runner is actually out and the batter is safe! I guess the theory with that is that on a sharply hit groundball, the offense would be sending the runner.

Other interesting results:

-on a G3 (equivalent to groundball C), and a runner only on third (or 2nd and third), infield in, the offensive manager gets a "decide" result, where he can still try to send the runner, with odds to compute for his chances of success based on the baserunner's ability and the fielder's range rating. But, on a G3 with runners at 1st and 3rd, the runner on 3rd gets caught in a rundown, batter is safe, and runner on first advances.

-You can still get a double play, with the infield in, on a G1 (GBA equivalent) with the bases loaded - a home to first double play.

The older default rule that you remember is still there, described as "Batter", in the context of various configurations of base runners for G1 and G2 results, but not for a G3.

Remember the dreaded "#" results become Single** (runners advance 2 bases), and the fielder's range rating increases by 1!

I haven't found a link to the rules yet for batter card results (GBA, B or C).


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Re: fielding question

PostTue May 28, 2013 10:16 am



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Re: fielding question

PostTue May 28, 2013 10:34 am

Here are the game rules: ... Game_Rules

You need to be aware that the online game uses most of these rules (the vast majority of super-advanced rules), but I believe there are a few rules that are not used, and some choices between rules.

I know that online strat does not limit baserunners to one base on a SI* - instead the offensive manager (computer manager) can have the runner try to take an extra base if he chooses to - i.e. the runner is not automatically limited to one base on the single.

Also, I think (but I could be wrong) that the ONLY base hits that can arise specifically from the infield in rule are those that result from the X chart adjustments described above on this thread. So a GBA+ result on the batter card does NOT result in a single with the infield in, for the online game, to the best of my knowledge. I read this somewhere on the old site discussions, but it would take me hours to find it again. So, rule 20.61 DOES apply, but rule 20.6 DOES NOT apply, I believe.

I am going to look for the chart that they say is on "page 15" of the instructions. I'll post it if I find it.


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Re: fielding question

PostTue May 28, 2013 10:45 am ... mrules.htm

The reproduction of the rules at this link has a nice visual reproduction of the groundball A,B, C results in various situations using super-adanved rules. I would refer to this for the very detailed discussion of various possible results from GB A, B or C results.

Again, there are some surprises to me here - including the possible options for the offensive manager on a GB hit to the pitcher (!) with a runner on third.

There is a very good chart near the end that summarizes the possibilities and results with the infield in with a GB A, B or C result.

And again, I have to stress that I am not 100% sure which of these optional rules online strat uses (maybe 98% sure, but not 100%. With the exceptions that I noted in my previous post, I would assume that online strat uses most, if not all, of these rules.


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Re: fielding question

PostTue May 28, 2013 10:46 am

I'm going to try to copy and paste this thread into the general strategy board, as well as having it here.



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Re: fielding question

PostTue May 28, 2013 10:52 am

Another good link for reference material on start!

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