Another HAL head scratcher

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Re: Another HAL head scratcher

PostSat Oct 20, 2012 8:41 pm

Right, Pavano would never be used unless the whole bullpen preceded him.

As for the order of use, it's POSSIBLE (not sure) that HAL "looked" at the fatigue rating the pitcher would begin with -- that is, if Ondrusek piched in the previous 2 or 3 games, maybe he would've come in as an F4, whereas the others came in as F9

just another guess

but right, it is frustrating to have your end-of-game guy sort of wasted like this -- though, barring great pitching, he probably would've shown up in the game eventually anyway, if the others were limited to 1 or 2 innings or yanked in RH/LH situational innings


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Re: Another HAL head scratcher

PostSun Oct 21, 2012 4:30 pm

Plus if you do not have any roles set so that you have given HAL some guidelines he has to use some logic.
Perhaps he searches first for an R5, then an R4, and maybe then for an R3. I personally see little difference between an R1 and an R2 when you have 9 innings to fill. You may not want to hear it but not having a single guy rated for long relief is simply a poorly constructed bullpen.

Just for future reference a pitcher with a starter rating only and no relief rating will never be used unless all other relief options are exhausted or the game is in extra innings. Now you may think it should be different. But it is what it is. As I tell my customers who call in and argue about how a computer should work, do you want to argue about how life should be or do you want your system to work? You want it to work, do it this way.

You want HAL to use your 5th irrelevant starter as an emergency reliever pick a 5th starter with an S/R rating. You want a reliever who will be used in long relief, middle relief, mopup situations make that reliever an R4 or R5 and slot him in the mopup role.

Of course this advice is based on assumption you want to learn how to better construct a staff to get the best results in the future. If that is not true and all you wanted to do was rant then ignore all previous advice. :D

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