How Bad Can You Be?

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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostSat Dec 27, 2014 3:13 pm

I hear ya JPav, unfortunately I got sucked into his trap, against the wise advice of others who said he wasn't worth the effort.

Apparently, he had to pay to have access to the forum though, so maybe SOM tried to keep him out too?

Anyway, while I was writing this I noticed he interrupted our conversation with another petty post (very rude). I'll jump over to the new thread which he hopefully has not trolled yet.


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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostSat Dec 27, 2014 3:31 pm

I have been following this thread. I have been playing Stat-o since the late 60's. I think I have good idea how to build a winning team, even better at building a losing team. I don't understand all the hostilities. I like to read the threads, but this petty bickering is crazy. I don't always agree with I.Strether but I defend his right to comment on anything on a public forum. If you don't agree you should take it to PM as not to bog down a thread. I have done this a few times with I.Strether and we have a good discussion with no name calling and no BS.
I don't know I.Strether and I don't know JPav. I'm sure you are both good guys you must be you play Strat-o. Don't forget none of us are above the game and we all have are own ideas on players and that my friends is what makes this great. Healthy discussions are good just take it to PM.
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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostSat Dec 27, 2014 5:25 pm

alk58 wrote:I have been following this thread...I don't understand all the hostilities.

Well alk, you might try posting on this topic rather than just reading it. I'm certain then you'll understand the hostilities. :lol:


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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostSat Dec 27, 2014 5:30 pm

l.strether wrote:I paid for this forum just like you did when I paid for SOM leagues. It's part of the package. I'm surprised you couldn't figure that out... ;)

LMBombers wrote:I didn't realize that you had to pay for a team in order to access the forums. Very enlightening strether!

l.strether wrote:All the productive discussion on this thread about manager tendencies, and the best you can do is attempt a troll "shot' about forum membership? Very disappointing.

Wow, He even slams people attempting to thank him for the new information he is sharing with us. There is no pleasing this guy.
Last edited by LMBombers on Sat Dec 27, 2014 6:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostSat Dec 27, 2014 6:05 pm

J-Pav wrote:I have to say I am somewhat disappointed with the foes list thing. I thought it would completely remove the foes' posts so I would never see his name or posts again. Unfortunately, the red lines just highlight his unwelcome and uniquely obsessive/compulsive need to post on my thread and selfishly draw attention away from a great informal discussion. He almost literally posts after every single new post on here.

This gave me an idea and I wrote something that completely removes all foe posts as if they never existed. I'll share as soon as I can find a place to host it.


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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostSat Dec 27, 2014 6:34 pm

LMBombers wrote:
LMBombers wrote:I didn't realize that you had to pay for a team in order to access the forums. Very enlightening strether!

Wow, He even slams people attempting to thank him for the new information he is sharing with us. There is no pleasing this guy.

I wasn't slamming you, Bombers. I sincerely thought you were taking a shot at me. If you can assure me you didn't know you had to pay for a team to access the forums, I will gladly apologize.


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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostSat Dec 27, 2014 7:57 pm

you do need to register to be able to post, but don't need to buy a team. anybody can surf in and read the forum.
Is it wrong to just read the posts without posting?
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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostSat Dec 27, 2014 8:12 pm

alk58 wrote:you do need to register to be able to post, but don't need to buy a team. anybody can surf in and read the forum.
Is it wrong to just read the posts without posting?

Since the issue of contention was my posting (or not) on this thread on this forum, I meant one needed to register/buy a team to post.

Since this is a viewable public forum, there is nothing wrong with anybody reading the posts. Since everybody who registers has paid for the right to post, everybody who registers/has bought a team has a right to post on every public thread.

Radagast Brown

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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostSun Dec 28, 2014 4:00 pm

I used to feel sorry for Strether and tried to be nice to him to see if he would then be civil. I learned that kindness and respect does not work with him. I still feel sorry for the guy. He spends so much time arguing and not being civil that any wisdom or experience he has is lost in his temperament and rudeness.

Is Strether saying that cutting players mid season and taking the salary penalty drops is NOT a recipe for disaster? I don't think veteran GMs should be making a single in season drop, save for the mystery leagues. ....

Dropping players after the season starts is the first tell to me that someone does not know what they are doing. I know someone else said this first and I totally agree~! :D

I am glad we have not let one "Debbie Downer" ruin a real good thing... :D


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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostSun Dec 28, 2014 4:10 pm

I feel sorry for you, Radagast. You keep eerily obsessing about me on these threads. Alk had asked everyone to end the conflict on this thread, and you just came on to try to ignite it again. So, the only one being a "Debbie Downer" is you, Debbie... ;)

As I told you before, your saying all those nasty things about me without supporting them is argumentative and rude. I suggest you give up your weird obsession with me, find some peace in these lovely holidays, and move on with your life.

And no, cutting players mid season is not a recipe for disaster. Successful managers make cuts midseason all the time. Unsuccessful managers do not make them and fail all the time, too. If you want to erroneously convince yourself otherwise, knock yourself out.

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