How Bad Can You Be?

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the splinter

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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostFri Dec 26, 2014 5:07 pm

the men with the rubber gloves can be surprisingly gentle!!! :o

Radagast Brown

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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostFri Dec 26, 2014 5:18 pm

I think more people try to use their favorite players in real life than you guys may be accounting for, even veterans. I am not saying a smart veteran like myself will choose all my favorites but I will try to incorporate at least a couple into my teams.

I think a lot of Strat veterans who are new to the on-line game struggle maybe because they never had to build teams around stadium or various other reasons.

Of course this is not the Mystery League area but how much would this discussion change if we tried to figure out things in those leagues. I love the mystery leagues and now seldom play anything else.

I enjoyed reading this thread. :D


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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostFri Dec 26, 2014 5:35 pm

I think more people try to use their favorite players in real life than you guys may be accounting for, even veterans. I am not saying a smart veteran like myself will choose all my favorites but I will try to incorporate at least a couple into my teams.

I would say they don't, and using favorite real-life players who also rock in SOM (e.g. Miguel Cabrera) doesn't count. All veterans of SOM and SOM on-line know player cards do not accurately correspond to those players' actual seasons. So most, if not all, are not going to construct their team out of their favorite players. Most new players learn that very quickly or become league fodder. Sure, some players incorporate a few sentimental favorites into their teams. However, unless those players are poor, which is unlikely, they aren't enough to account for a team's failure.

If you have substantial evidence to prove otherwise, which I doubt, please share.
I think a lot of Strat veterans who are new to the on-line game struggle maybe because they never had to build teams around stadium or various other reasons.

I completely agree with this, and it would be a definite likely factor in a new on-line SOM manager's failure. It could also be a reason for some average or below average veteran managers' failures, as they are slow to learn how to adapt a team to a park. Almost all of us are continually improving at that.
Of course this is not the Mystery League area but how much would this discussion change if we tried to figure out things in those leagues. I love the mystery leagues and now seldom play anything else.

It would obviously mean even more possibilities for explaining a team's failure. However, I think that's a topic best addressed in the Mystery League Forum. I'm sure you could host an excellent thread on the topic.

the splinter

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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostFri Dec 26, 2014 6:10 pm

I think more people try to use their favorite players in real life than you guys may be accounting for, even veterans.

I made this same assertion a few days ago and it was similarly dismissed by the above poster.

Now 2 experienced vets have made the same statement. Perhaps it is true? Any other vets do this as well?


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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostFri Dec 26, 2014 6:12 pm

Radagast Brown wrote:I think more people try to use their favorite players in real life than you guys may be accounting for, even veterans. I am not saying a smart veteran like myself will choose all my favorites but I will try to incorporate at least a couple into my teams.

I think a lot of Strat veterans who are new to the on-line game struggle maybe because they never had to build teams around stadium or various other reasons.

Of course this is not the Mystery League area but how much would this discussion change if we tried to figure out things in those leagues. I love the mystery leagues and now seldom play anything else.

I enjoyed reading this thread. :D

I think you're right on all fronts Radagast.


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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostFri Dec 26, 2014 6:15 pm

the splinter wrote:
I think more people try to use their favorite players in real life than you guys may be accounting for, even veterans.
I made this same assertion a few days ago and it was similarly dismissed by the above poster.

Now 2 experienced vets have made the same statement. Perhaps it is true? Any other vets do this as well?

I didn't "dismiss" the assertion, I showed how it was wrong. If you think agreement between two (or more) experienced vets proves your flawed assertion true, you need to re-think your notion of "evidence." If you, or anybody else, however, actually proves your and Radagast's assertion to be true, I will gladly stand corrected.


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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostFri Dec 26, 2014 6:19 pm

the splinter wrote:
I think more people try to use their favorite players in real life than you guys may be accounting for, even veterans.

I made this same assertion a few days ago and it was similarly dismissed by the above poster.

Now 2 experienced vets have made the same statement. Perhaps it is true? Any other vets do this as well?

The problem is we're posting our thoughts and opinions, and say things like "I think...". While Strether appears to have the results of some poll of SOM players, since he states facts with statements beginning with something like "all veterans of SOM and SOM on-line know...".


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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostFri Dec 26, 2014 6:27 pm

You can address me directly, Keyzick; this is an adult forum. If you have taken an English composition course--and I hope you have--you know "I think" is redundant in a personal statement involving objective evidence and personal observation. So, I and many others on this thread have made many statements without saying "I think." If that bothers you, that's your problem.

So, if you disagree with the arguments I have made, then address them--that's what men do--and stop talking about me. This is an SOM thread, not a gossip room.


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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostFri Dec 26, 2014 8:27 pm


Your bedside manner is too coarse and you're scaring the patients. If you would be so kind, please let me run the madness in my own thread, as a courtesy to me.

You opened plenty of doors with the insights you shared here:

l.strether wrote:
1. SOM experience
2. SOM on-line experience
3. Intelligence
4. (As Turtle mentioned) Learning curve
5. Usage (or non-usage) of Ratings Guides
6. Variation in league type experience
7. Luck

This would make a perfect New Topic for additional discussion, for which I think you should expound. And I'll be happy to come visit and play devil's advocate to start it off on a nice trajectory if you would like the debate. Again, out of common courtesy, please allow me to MC my own thread and further my own topic.



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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostFri Dec 26, 2014 8:42 pm


You mistake me for a different kind of doctor. I have a Ph.D., not an M.D. My "bedside manner," however, was not "coarse"; it was direct but perfectly polite.

I have no idea what you mean about "running your own thread." Nobody was trying to run it. You can MC all you like, and every other forum member, including myself, is free to relevantly respond. If you would like to build on my list of the average SOM member's qualities, please do. I, however, am enjoying the current thread topic and will continue to read and participate in it.

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