How Bad Can You Be?

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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostFri Dec 26, 2014 9:14 pm

What you fail to grasp is that while you, personally, are enjoying the current thread topic, your presence here is discouraging others, and they do not get to experience the same level of enjoyment you obviously take from it.

So I'm asking you, a gentleman I'm sure, as a kindness to me and any others, please respect my most humble and respectful request to stop discouraging participation in a conversation I'm responsible for starting, by harassing anyone and everyone who voices an opinion contrary to your own.

I'm asking as politely as I can, please go start your own conversation and leave this one alone.

*Note: this post is emoticon and exclamation point-free, so as not to appear to be irrationally excitable.


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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostFri Dec 26, 2014 9:23 pm

I didn't "harass" anybody. I disagreed with some people (including you), as did others, which is normal behavior on a thread. Your erroneously and impolitely calling that "harassment" certainly isn't gentlemanly. As I said before, all forum members have the right to participate in every public forum thread. I am interested in this thread topic, I have contributed significantly to it, and I plan to continue politely doing so.


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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostFri Dec 26, 2014 10:00 pm


I'm genuinely embarrassed for you. When politely asked to leave a conversation, manners and etiquette dictate that that request is respected. It's quite selfish of you to insist my conversation cannot go on without your "significant contribution" to it. How utterly boorish.

So be it.


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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostFri Dec 26, 2014 10:03 pm


You should be genuinely embarrassed for yourself. I am. You have no right to expect someone to leave a public forum just because you ask/tell them to. You clearly are still bothered by our last exchange where I corrected your faulty arguments. Now, you want to harass me out of "your" thread so I don't do it again. That is utterly boorish.

So it be.


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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostFri Dec 26, 2014 10:15 pm

How fortunate we all are to have someone around to correct our faulty statements.


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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostFri Dec 26, 2014 10:17 pm


I recently added l.strether to my foes list (User Control Panel - follow the prompts). I no longer wish to correspond with someone so terribly impertinent and uncouth.

Unfortunately, he will likely continue to embarrass himself in this and many other threads.

However, I will not be deterred by his lack of manners. Anyone that wants to continue forward (sebastian, paging sebastian...) I and a few others will still be here. However, we must do so around the obviously unpleasant distraction.


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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostFri Dec 26, 2014 10:28 pm

Who says women are the dramatic ones... :roll:

Refusing to leave a public forum thread does not show a "lack of manners." Trying to harass someone out of that thread for which we all paid does. If J-Pav wants to embarrass himself and cry and whine about my refusing to leave, fine. Considering, he hasn't made a cogent argument to me yet, his putting me on his "foes list" is a kindness.
Last edited by l.strether on Fri Dec 26, 2014 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostFri Dec 26, 2014 10:29 pm

Oh, and FWIW, to key, RB, Dr. splinter, LMB, et al, I too like to use players who I admire in real baseball. I am also prone to NOT using players I do not like personally. I feel it ruins my team "chemistry" to have bad apples in the virtual clubhouse! :D


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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostFri Dec 26, 2014 10:35 pm

Poor J-Pav thinks that counters my stance. He really is mad at me... ;)

Unfortunately for him, it doesn't:
l.strether wrote:I would say they don't, and using favorite real-life players who also rock in SOM (e.g. Miguel Cabrera) doesn't count.


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Re: How Bad Can You Be?

PostFri Dec 26, 2014 10:37 pm

I've obviously had quite a bit of success with this set. I should emphasize THIS set. Past experience does not predict future results (for you investors out there!).

I have settled in to playing mostly ATG. But I remember having a lot of success in the 2001 set. I also remember there was a couple sets there in the 2004-2006 range where I was just dreadful. Possible my memory is faulty and I was not as good or as bad in either. But I always felt in 2001 that every team I put on the field was going to have a shot at a title. In other years it was like every team I put together was going on strike. There just seemed like some year sets were just better suited to my quirks than others. And in years where my favorite players had bad seasons I was in big trouble. If he were not retired and I was playing 2013 cards Ivan Rodriguez would STILL be my catcher.

I also remember an extended span of time in ATG where I was determined to win with Ozzie Smith at short and Koufax/Drysdale leading my staff. Did not matter what the results were or who said bad idea I was going to have those 3 on my team whatever it took. Took me a lot longer to find success in ATG than in the 200x game. Looking back now I think a big part of that was the nostalgia and memory of the players shaped my teams more than the actual cards. Even now most of my teams will be comprised of as many cards who are there because of some memory as cards who are there because of what I see in the cards.

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