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Nameless team in "choosing players" limbo

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 11:20 am
by pikesvilleal
Apparently I forgot to choose a team name and now I can't access the team. It just says (2011) in the team field. Anyone ever have this problem?

Re: Nameless team in "choosing players" limbo

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 2:55 pm
by azpanthers11
Ya I have done that just shoot strat an email about it and give them the team name.

Re: Nameless team in "choosing players" limbo

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 3:00 pm
by pikesvilleal
azpanthers11 wrote:Ya I have done that just shoot strat an email about it and give them the team name.

they fixed it. thanks. Let this be a lesson. choose a team name first

Re: Nameless team in "choosing players" limbo

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 6:44 pm
by Valen
Since you can change the team name later I always pick something up front when I first buy or win the credit. For example credits i purchased halloween 2011 were immediately turned in to teams labeled halloween credit01, etc. Then just before I submit them for drafting I change the name to whatever I want at the time.