A team named Iron City House Rockers in the 80 mil cap league named Just Plain Bored has a current value of 84.042 Cash of 0.012 and a roster valueof 84.03. I verified this amount with the Calculator. He has dropped 5 pitchers and 3 hitters since the season began. The salaries of the dropped players are not included in this total but sum to an additional 20.51 million. His last transaction today was to drop Randy Lerch 0.50 and add Earl Hamilton at 4.36 mil. Some bug allowed this transaction to put him over the 80 mil cap. BUG? Thanks.
You should be asking SOM. Go to your contact us link in one of your leagues and send them the message. They are the only ones that can answer your question.
Yes. I emailed Stratomatic last Tuesday. Today the Rockers made two more roster moves that increased their team value to over 90 mil. Has any other league seen this bug?
Well, there is at least two issues. One is technical. Another is the question of sporting play.
Hopefully once notified by other player(s) of his/her mistake, the Rockers will get back under the cap. Has this player been contacted by other players in the league?