Play by mail league?

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Michael Grammes

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Play by mail league?

PostSun Feb 10, 2013 10:43 am

Looking to start a new play by mail league. This would consume some free time, that many of us dont have alot of. It would be a long term commitment, and be required that all in, would purchase the board game, with current cards.

I also, would like that while we would be a table top league, that we play this version too. That way, we could see what the different outcomes may be from our decisions, to HALs...

Rules can be voted on at a later date tho there are some that I already have in mind. Keeper league of course. As many teams as possible. A league of 24 commited managers to play by mail, may be a stretch, but if we could get 16, that would be awesome.

Play by mail season would consist of 1 series a week. A series would be 5 games. There would be 28 weeks. 140 game schedule. Our "week" could be stretched to 10 days to give a lil extra time to play and get back to the post office. General honesty, and sportsmanship, would be a must amongst all involved.

Thinking something of a 110% usuage for the table top league. So if a hitter had a card with 400 plate appearances, in our league, that player would have 440 available. Same for pitchers, 100 IP, they would have 110 available. "Unleashed" players, would be available to draft becuase of the beforementioned possible rule.

Sept. call ups, would happen at the 100 game mark, and expand the rosters by 3 players. We would begin the season, with a 25 man roster, draft an initial 35. I know, super long draft, that, I would like to do by phone on a weekend, so as to not hit everyones cell minutes.

Ummm... injury replacements, can be brought up from your 10 person farm team, tho they would then hafta stay on your roster for 3 weeks (that would totally cover the 15 game injuries) and, be more realistic to what happens on a real MLB team. Those pitchers with a blister on their finger arent sent down if they are only going to miss a start or two.

two 70 game halves, with a championship, and, a plaque with the winners name on it, at my cost initially.

Again, the prior things that just spewed outta my fingertips, were just random ramblings, but where I would atleast like to start for some ground rules that we all could vote on. This is a long term time involved commitment, but when its all said and done, I think, will be well worth the time.

Sign up below, and post other ideas you may have for some ground rules to be voted on later.

1. Michael Grammes

Dont be afraid, there is room for atleast 24!


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Re: Play by mail league?

PostWed Feb 20, 2013 2:43 pm

I don't know if Hal a big fan of Mail League advertising on this forum.. but I know strat enjoy the fruits of mail leagues. I ran Mail Leagues for years and also play this form of Strats for years.

I am currently in two great mail leagues and I wont mind running or helping with some sort of mail league again.

If anyone is interested in playing in a mail league (email) let me know. It can be a what is described about or the general computer based game, (like on here).

I have a spare website and have held preseason games before each league I have been on here. It has made the these leagues better because mgrs. have seen their teams play 40 games before the games started on here.

Checkout the website to see what I mean...
email me at

Also as soon the new game is posted on here, anyone want to play in a league with a preseason spring training games let me know.. I set one up..


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