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Brewer Clemente Award Nominee???

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 3:30 pm
by Mr Baseball World

Re: Brewer Clemente Award Nominee???

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 5:03 pm
by blue turtle
Well, they pick one player from each team, so maybe his teammates are just that much worse?

Re: Brewer Clemente Award Nominee???

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 10:32 pm
by chasenally
:cry: It is just another big step backward for baseball.

Re: Brewer Clemente Award Nominee???

PostPosted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 9:46 pm
by Valen
My first thought was the same, seriously??????
But then again look at this from the perspective of the Brewers who nominated him. He has given his all for the team, including being willing to risk his health and take performance enhancers to help the team win. ;)

And going along the lines of blue turtle thinking, this really makes a statement about just how bad the rest of the guys on that team must be when it comes to criteria for this award. And it makes a significant statement about how the fans and media of Milwaukee truly view PEDs.

It is probably also the case that he likely has gone out of his way to do a lot in the community this season to try and repair his image. If so, maybe that is what the voters there picked up on and gave him credit for doing it from the heart and not just to repair his image.

Re: Brewer Clemente Award Nominee???

PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 3:19 pm
by blue turtle
In the spectrum of "bad" things to do, taking performance-enhancing measures is a pretty low on the priority list for me. The lying about it is more of an offense than the actual act, which is merely "past the line" for what is acceptable in enhancing performance by individuals.

Considering what the NFL is going through now and has occasion in the past, taking PEDs is slightly beyond taking a multi-vitamin.

Re: Brewer Clemente Award Nominee???

PostPosted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 12:31 am
by chasenally
Considering what the NFL is going through now and has occasion in the past, taking PEDs is slightly beyond taking a multi-vitamin.

Yea but he did toss a $10.00 an hour guy under the bus and then back up and then go forward and then back up and then go forward and then back up and you get the picture here. Sorry I think he took him out for dinner or something like that after Sorry always works after you took his job away from him.

I will vote online for him as many times as I can. Send me the site and I will fill it as much as Braun has filled his ego, wait that cant be done. GET REAL THIS IS STUPID!